Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Simple Pleasures In My Life

She came home today!
I was so very excited to see my little princess, unfortunately she wasn't as thrilled as I was.
She shed a few tears because she missed her Amaw.
We took her to Taco Bell and the playground to remedy that situation.

First we took a walk (well I walked).
Kylie Jade rode her princess bike.
I gotta say she is AWESOME at it.
Madilyn rode in her new car she got for Christmas.

my big girl riding in her car 

After we walked and rode for 2 laps we decided taking a turn on the swing would be nice.
They just love swinging and talking and singing.
The simple pleasures of childhood.
Then we headed to the playground.

As the sun starting setting we were the only ones left.
The girls were running around and we (me, John and my brother) were chasing them down.
It was so much fun!
The girls were laughing hysterically and just having the best time.

It was so heartwarming to watch them.
Especially John playing with them.
Nothing like watching a father with his daughters.
As dark preceded it started to sprinkle so we headed home.

My sweet girls 

Just sitting in the car listening to the music and my girls mumble and scream and play.
My heart was full. Completely full.
There is nothing in this world that compares to the love I feel for those girls.
Even though we are back to the fighting and the battles I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING.

Now onto other news...
We have decided to move...Again. AGAIN.
These neighbors have had about enough of us as we have of them.
We have run out of space in this tiny little duplex.

I went and looked at several places, but we are hoping to bunk with someone for 5 months or so.
This will give us time to pay off debt, set aside some money for deposits and get ahead.
I want to do thorough research on places before we just jump into anything.
I'd say 5 or 6 months would give us plenty of time for that.

I am hoping to get an email/letter this week stating Kylie Jade got in CCS.
If I receive a phone call I will know she didn't get in.
I don't even wanna talk about how heart broken I will be.
Either way she is going to Kindergarten whether it is there or somewhere else.

Tomorrow we are back to the grind.
Whereas I am so excited.
I am also already mentally exhausted.
Good thing I have girls night with BRITTANY (check it out spelled it right!)

Well the girls are getting restless and it is totally time for Madilyn to go to bed (Since she decided a 30 min. nap would suffice for the day.)

Until next time...


  1. Sounds like a really good day! I know you were so excited to get her back. :) And good thing it was a pretty day so you could take them to the playground.

    That little car is ridiculously awesome!

    I LOVE to see Jessie play with Sam. Makes me feel so good to know she has a Daddy who loves her and plays with her. And it is just too freaking cute!
