Sunday, January 13, 2019

Time Struggle

I haven’t written anything since the beginning of school year. Life’s been crazy, life’s been busy. That’s the excuse anyway. Time. It’s something I struggle with. Time with my children. Time with family. Time with friends. Time to work extra shifts. Time to myself. Time to get back into shape. Time to cook home cooked meals. But most importantly time for God. I don’t read the Bible everyday and I most certainly don’t stop long enough to listen for answers that scramble in my brain all day. I need guidance. I opened my bible today and what verse did I see? Don’t be misled. Remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it. You always reap what you sow! Whoa! Ouch! Yeah... that hurt. BUT on the plus side I needed that today. I needed God to shake me awake and show me His presence in all of my life. Not just when my heart stops and I feel I can’t go on anymore. This struggle I’m in, right now, is for a reason. I just need to stop and really listen to which direction I’m supposed to go in. Have faith that everything will work out and stop stressing so much. Today I’m gonna make the time to listen, really listen and feel His presence.