Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Realization Of A Vulnerable Heart

I have done many things to be ashamed of.
I am by far from a Saint. 
I pray to be forgiven, but why do I feel so guilty praying for forgiveness?
I feel so alone even though I never have been. 

I don't cry very often. 
It's just one thing I don't like doing. 
I feel like a hot mess, and trust me, I'm just not a pretty crier. 
But last Sunday crying came nowhere near what I was experiencing. 

Anyone who knows me knows my vocabulary is limited thus I use swear words (or curse words rather) to fill in the empty spaces of the words I do not know. 
But ever since last Sunday I can barely read those words let alone say them. 
He died for MY sins and while He was on the cross He felt ALL of my sins, my shame, my guilt. 
It hit me like a bullet to the chest. I made Him suffer. Even if know one else was in this world I would still sin. 

I don't like feeling filthy, dirty, but Sunday I could feel how black my heart was.
My mannerisms alone are pretty naughty. I mean I usually back my world up with "I don't cares" and "who gives a....crap" 
I have shut myself off from the world just shy of 10 years ago. 
I'm not that same carefree egghead I was growing up, I turned into a crummy little punk. 

I have lived the past ten years in shelter. 
I had my heart tucked away because I felt anymore damage to it would break it completely. 
I began cussing, smoking, and worst of all cutting. 
My life was a lie and I felt it had no purpose. 

Even though I was surrounded by beautiful things, I let the blackened rose petals in. 
My heart was no longer carefree and it didn't even make sense why it hurt so much.
I spent many nights fighting back tears to prove I was stronger than anything. 
I was stronger than the pain. 

I know it sounds childish, but I acted out, like anyone does when their life feels too heavy to carry on their own shoulders.
Like Jesus, I needed someone to come out and help carry my cross. I needed my own Simon. 
Jesus, knowing every single shameful sin about me, placed him in my life at the time that I so desperately needed. 
Life has been an emotional roller coaster, but we haven't left each other's side (even though it's been tempting). 

As John helped carry the demons that were placed on my back, I still felt the weight was too much. 
My sins were too far gone and I didn't want to continue to ask for forgiveness, after all who wants to hear the same "I'm sorry" more than a handful of times, after that it just gets sad. 
For some reason I have wanted to prove that I am anything else but me. 
I wanted to shut off the caring, vulnerable side and well, really, just stop giving a crap about anything.

It took a few years to prefect the art of not caring, and I think I have gotten as close as anyone can get, but that's just not how I want to live anymore. 
I am human and I have feelings whether they be sad, happy, angry, or just down right hilarious. 
I, unfortunately, have lived off anger feeding it anything it desired so I could push away the sadness. 
But by doing that I have buried away a very important part of me. 

Sunday as my Pastor laid out all the dirty details of what felt like my life to be displayed for everyone to dissect and discuss I never felt so...filthy. 
I hid behind my hair as I sobbed for forgiveness. 
Every inch of beating, a crown of thorns placed upon His head, nailed to the cross to be shamed and die was nothing compared to what He felt because of the sins I have made and will continue to make. 
He felt forsaken because His own father couldn't even look at Him. 

Right then and there I felt the power of the Lord coursing through my veins, perhaps even gently tugging at my hardened heart. 
It was like He was telling me to release all the anger I had, release all the sorrow, the pain. 
I clenched my fist and pulled my hair closer to my face. I didn't even feel like I was sitting with the congregation anymore.
The tears just kept flowing and I felt so...vulnerable. The parts of my heart I have hidden away for years was now exposed for everyone to see I felt so relieved and ashamed all in one. 

As we all took the body and blood of our Lord I realized He did this for me. 
No matter how many people were here or not He would have done this just for me. 
If that's not love I could never tell you what is. 
I felt the most empowered I have felt in almost 10 years, so full of life, so rich in love. 

I want to carry this feeling with me forever and even though I have a long journey ahead I know with God by my side I can battle this. 
No matter how much I fall He will help me carry my cross of fears, burdens, worries, and struggles. 
For me worrying is one of my hardest challenges, but right this minute I have felt peace, because through God who strengthens me I can overcome any obstacle in my path.
I just gotta have faith. I just gotta believe. I just gotta open my heart again and because of one Sermon my life is forever changed.

I will serve Him.

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Not So Perfect Parenting Day

Red face, clenched fists, an open mouth you just know she's screaming at the top of her lungs.
Sometimes I can feel the hair turning gray upon my head. 
I close my eyes and breathe in and out, that's about all I can do when my toddler throws yet another successful all out, punch you in the stomach, temper tantrum. 
I feel release, silence...has she stopped screaming? No, false alarm, she just had to take a minute to gather more air for an ear splitting screech. 

When I look down at her puffy red eyes and snot dangling from her nose I realize she's not even two yet and she has pulled out all kinds of maddening emotions from me. 
I pick her up and loudly exclaim to anyone listening "this child is driving me crazy!" It's all I can do to keep myself from ripping out every hair follicle from my head one by one. 
I wish I could tell you that I had some heart melting moment about looking at her puffy eyes and red cheeks and I felt like the mother of the year with my shushing sounds and iconic hug, but nope that is not at all what happened. 
I patted and patted trying to calm down a child I feared Satan had overtaken. 

Flinging and wailing in my arms I was shushing and patting; neither were working. 
In a desperate attempt to hear anything other than wails I set her down and walked away. 
Her chubby little legs beating the ground as she screamed after me "mooooommmmyyyy mooooommmyyy!" 
Being called mommy at that moment made me cringe. This was my child and I had to face that reality. 

I closed my bedroom door and breathed in and out. You know most parenting books or magazines that happily exclaim to set your baby down and walk away to calm your nerves...yeah I call bullshit on that method. 
I could still hear her as if she was in front of me...of course she was on the other side of the door banging desperately for me to hold her, love her, comfort her as only a mother SHOULD know how. 
I paced my room back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. All the mommyisms running through my mind. 
It's so hard to try and be the perfect parent...I can say I was NOT that day.

I flung open my bedroom door and hollered out into the living room. 
"PLEASE JUST ONE MOMENT OF SILENCE!" My oldest child was rocking in the rocking chair, watching Disney Jr. so intensely I could swear she didn't hear any commotion coming from either one of our mouths. 
My youngest looks up at me with those big, brown friggin' most adorable puppy dog eyes and I just slumped onto the couch, arms spread and could do the only thing I knew to do hold her screaming mess of a self. 
After the tantrum, that seemed to last 4 hours straight, had ended she fell down from exhaustion and I limply picked myself up and scrounged up a pacifier to lay her down for a nap. 

I guess my point to this post is not everything is sugar and sweet. 
I know a lot of my posts I write about how wonderful it is to be a mother, when reality is, it can be mother freaking hard sometimes. 
As I closed her door to her, thankfully, sleepy snores I found the strength to do lessons with my oldest. 
In the back of my mind I knew I could have handled the situation differently, but sometimes you just have to scream with your child. 

I know with my every being THIS, being a mother, is what I am meant to be. 
I have never doubted that.
I am here to say though, that it is not a walk in the park. 
So some who say staying home is super easy, you got another think coming. 

I wish I could say I was the perfect parent, but I do make mistakes often and I just have to remember that everyone does. 
No matter how perfect someones life looks over a screen remember they have their days too where everything in their life is falling apart...even their children! 
Oh and you want to know what she was screaming about for, literally, 45 minutes?
She wanted to sit in a chair, by herself, with a blanket,  but the chair she wanted to sit in was the chair her sister was ALREADY SITTING IN! Yep that's my irrational toddler for you! 

Until next time...

Okay had to show a few pictures of my growing weeds to kinda show you what we have been up too (aside from the tantrum throwing).

My strong little booger

My beauty queens all snuggled up watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (see she does share...sometimes)

Foot licker

Birthday Shirt and Bow

Kylie Jade all ready to skate

Her new gymnastics class walking backwards (with help) on the 3rd highest beam

My princess enjoying the sunshine

My sweet booger butt

Little booger bear

Better picture of her bow (so sad that her shirt has a 2 on it!)

My little beauties 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Not Ready To Let Go

Now that I stay home there are different battles I struggle with, instead of feeling like I miss everything sometimes I feel like they NEED me to miss things.
Kylie Jade does go to school two days a week and she does gymnastic class on Tuesdays, but Madilyn is home ALL day with me.
Sometimes I wonder if I will royally screw them up by not being around kids their own age the majority of the day...that's the worker mom part of me taking over.
I do enjoy the laughs and smiles, but I can admit sometimes they wear me out physically and emotionally.

As Kindergarten gets closer and closer I find myself grabbing every inch of her babyhood as I can.
Snuggles, hugs, late night cuddles I cherish every second.
I know her being in school doesn't seem like a big deal, I mean most kids do it, but it;s that fact that I feel like her life is just beginning AWAY from mommy.
Yes she went to daycare as a youngin, it's not the same as school.

She will begin night time homework often, and a experience a whole world of kids (up to 5th grade), chapels, music, spanish, library, pe, and just the overall classroom and I won't be there to see her excitement, her fears, her anxiety. It makes me anxious!
I am overjoyed she got in the school I wanted. I knew she could do it. Still makes it hard to think she will be gone that long.
I guess I need to face the music, she's growing up.
No matter how much I hold onto her babyhood she is getting older and there is nothing that is gonna change that.

Playdate at the mall

Girls with their new shoes

Painting a sun catcher

Kylie Jade and Samantha with Chucke

Sisterly love

She got smoothie

Picking a prize

Silly girls

Me and Mads on our day date

Gymnastics ribbon night

These are memories I will always remember and glad I get to experience with them (: my kids are awesome!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

No One Knows Love Until They Become A Mother

People talk about their work and what they do to make that money.
Even though I am not making money I am making memories.
My girls will remember me being home and not being in daycare.
Even though I sometimes miss the adult world and that paycheck, I know I am doing what I was meant to do.

I love my kids.
Whether they are having a good day, a bad day, or a REALLY bad day.
In the end I am here to love them and protect them and spoil them rotten.
Every day with them is a blessing and I am so lucky to share it with them.

As we get one month closer to their birthdays I find myself frantically holding onto them.
I am just not ready to say bye to the one year old Madilyn or four year old Kylie.
In just a few short months my sweet girl will be in Kindergarten learning all kinds of things from her teacher and other peers.
I have one last short year with Madilyn before she starts K3 I am just not ready to let go.

Most of all I love what I am doing.
No one can take that from me.
I am good a mom even though I fail often.
This is a big step for me as it is for them and we are taking it together and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here are a few moments we would have missed out on had they been in daycare:

Snuggled up Watching Mickey Mouse while I put away groceries

Dress up

My beautiful girls with their new shoes

She loves this big giant ball outside of Target 

Pretending to be Rapunzel

Finding toys she likes for her birthday

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dr. Seuss And Other Fun Things

Today we got our taxes in...so we had big plans for the day!
First, we paid off two credit card bills and I am psyched to say that I will no longer have those 2 monthly bills.
Second I ordered the girls birthday shirts! I am sure they are going to be mega fabulous!
Third I got Kylie Jade's tablet and John got his GUITAR! He's been wanting one forever!

After the shopping we went to Golden Corral then I headed to Target and got Kylie Jade a few clothes and a swimsuit.
After the shopping John and my brother Stephen headed off to Athens GA for a show.
I raced home and made the Salmon for dinner and then headed out to take the girls to the library for Dr. Seuss birthday!
When we got there the parking lot was full.

Oddly enough when we entered there was only my girls and 3 other kids there.
We had refreshments (well they did) and then we sat down to meet Thing 1 &2 and the Cat and the Hat.
The girls had fun, Madilyn was pretty scared though it was funny.
Not long after a ton of people started showing up we did a craft, a coloring page and headed on our way to Walmart.

At Walmart I got the girls their Easter stuff, it was pretty hectic as it was crowded.
Luckily I got home just in time to talk with my mom and Tony for a bit.
They left and now I am just sitting here online shoe shopping for my princesses.
Okay they are in the bath and are hollering I will update again soon.

Until next time...

Kylie Jade at library day 

Watching the story

Making a craft

Madilyn was trying she obviously can't multitask

My sweet Kylie Jade 

Her finished product


She was doing wonderfully 

Kylie Jade with thing 1&2

Showing them her craft 

Kylie Jade's Tabeo we got her she also got a Hello Kitty Cover for it! 

Madilyn's new shirt 

Kylie Jade's new shirt

New outfit

She begged for a bikini I gave in

Her hello kitty easter basket (shirt, flip flops, bubbles, chalk, chapstick, headband, and play pack) and of course the bucket 

Madilyn's minnie easter basket (minnie outfit, play pack, sippy cup, bubbles and chalk) and of course the basket

Here are the shirts I ordered for their birthdays!


Kylie Jade's