Sunday, January 6, 2013

I Wouldn't Expect Anything Less

I know the cries from my child being overtired.
I know the cries from my child being hungry.
I could tell you what every whine means.
I could tell you what every tantrum is over.

I am here.
For once.
I am here.
No one else.

I wipe their tears.
I kiss their bruises.
I get every snuggle.
I receive every cuddle.

When little one smiles it lights up her face.
My hearts in the stars.
When big one giggles and grins from ear to ear.
My hearts to the moon.

"I miss my friends!" As hard as it was to hear I knew it was coming.
"School starts soon sweetie."
"I just miss my boyfriend." To a four year old nothing else matters.
"Well you will make new friends that are boys at your new school."
"Ok. But it won't feel the same."

I know with every decision I make I am shaping them.
I know with every choice I make it affects them.
I am doing the things that I do for them.
Because I am so over the moon in love with them.

If you have a child. You know.
Your heart stops when they are in pain.
Even though I fail often.
I am doing my best.

And I wouldn't expect anything less.

Photo: Girls having a pretend sleepover!!! 


  1. Love all the pictures you have added. :)

    Also like this post. Kylie sounds like a teenager.
