Saturday, December 19, 2015

December Life

Life has been crazy recently. With the start of December we've been mega busy cramming in as many "Christmases" as possible.  The girls have enjoyed going to their school parties,  the gymnastics team Christmas party,  going to the lights at the zoo and camp Jordan and so much more.  The girls and I are definitely going to enjoy our long break from school and work and as the new year approaches and settled upon us I will step out into yet another new job.  I can't get settled because there is always something more out there.  I feel like I'm called to touch the lives of as many people as possible.  I would feel guilty but I don't because I know this is what God wants from me.

I have been getting back into doing more zumba and staying in shape.  It's important to me to get fit so I can live a long and healthy life for my girls,  and if they ever chose to have children,  for them also. I feel so much better after a workout,  even if my body does ache.

Kylie is still really into gymnastics and that is going pretty well.  She has done two kips on the bar so far and that makes me very proud. Madilyn tried a new dance studio Thursday and she loved it.  I am glad she wants to continue in dance because I know it is something she will really enjoy!

I'm just getting ready for Christmas which is in 6 days and ready to settle in and enjoy the time with my girls while I have them.  I very much look forward to the week after Christmas as we are getting kylie's best friend from Kindergarten and I'm taking them both out to have a day together.  They are both super cool kids and I enjoy getting to know some school friends!

Well that's all for now

Lights at the zoo with squishy

Alice Elsa has been naughty this year

Kylie got an ornament at the Christmas party 

Team Christmas party 

Mallory and Kylie Jade

My sweet Madilyn growing too fast

Don you wanna build a snowman with Alice Elsa? 

Santa at camp Jordan 

Decorated tree

Santa parade at Hamilton Place mall with kaylee

Backhand spring practice for Madilyn 

Kylie Jade working on the kip

Trying a new ballet/tap class

Madilyn at her school Christmas party 

Kritter,  Kinsey and Madilyn 

Kylie Jade and Liam 

Kylie Jade and Hadassah 

Sisters at slick burgers 

Sneaking the m&ms 

Birthday sleepover with their cousins at the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel 

Ready to head home from a fun sleepover 

Met her goal of an all around of 34