Thursday, January 17, 2013

I Am A Mommy And They Are My Children

A sister bond is absolutely hard to break. 
No matter how much they fight (which is constantly)
No matter how competitive they are against the other. 
They have each others backs, because they are sisters.

That bond will never break.
They got lucky. 
They have each other to rely on.
Watching them today...oh it just melted my heart.

Sisterly love 

Kylie Jade being a great big sister

Love this one

Today while older one was at school Madilyn and I had some time together.
It was pretty fun, we talked about the number one and talked about colors. We even read a color book.
She wasn't too into counting one, but she sure enjoyed coloring it.
It was kinda fun going back to the toddler teachings. 

Smiling for the camera

Coloring the number one 

We counted one crayon and named the color

Hard at work

After we were done working we decided play time was inevitable. 
So, of course, the toddler wants to play baby dolls.
I will never understand what the appeal of a baby doll is.
But it made her happy so we played...she was mommy.

First we gave baby lots of snuggles
Then we decided they needed to be fed

Afterwards nap time was in order (yes she came up with that as a baby bed all by herself)

I think I tuckered her out because shortly after we ate lunch and she took a nap.
That's when I left to go pick up my big girl from Preschool. 
On the ride there I was thinking of all the things Kylie Jade had been doing.
I was sure I was going to hear ALL about it when we got in the car. 

When I arrived she was doing art. 
So I took the opportunity to ask about birthday parties. 
Kylie Jade had asked to have her party there the night before.
So I think we are going to do that! 

Once we got in the car she said she had a great time but she was hungry.
She asked if she could go to school 3 days a week instead of two.
It is something we can talk about, but at least not until we move.
I was kinda sad because I like spending more time with her, but I also understand she is growing and learning and here pretty soon she will be gone 5 days a week. 

As the day dragged on, rainy (not snowy) we stayed inside and kept busy. 
I decided today would be a good day to bust out the panties.
So I did.
She only had one accident and she was in her panties for 31/2 hours! 

Kylie Jade playing quietly with her ponies 

Madilyn cleaning up in her minnie panties

Clean up! Clean up! 

As the days are flying.
The time is passing.
I am realizing all the things I have missed with Kylie Jade when she was younger.
I know it's impossible to change the past, but damnit I will make the future better.

I have so much love in my heart.
So many things I could say about the little people my beautiful girls are.
But I will save that for another post.
They are ready to get out of the bath now.

Until next time...


  1. Oh my gosh. I Love the pictures you have of them at the top. So freaking cute. Especially the first one!

    Looks like the activities were fun. See what I mean about missing teaching a toddler! There is just something about it. I guess because it is all so new to them. Sam used to LOVE music. She still does, but it was different then. We did a lot of learning through music.

    And I miss playing baby dolls when it was simple. Now Sam gets all intricate with it. Ha Ha. Do Kylie and Madilyn play dolls together a lot?

    Yay for underwear! What made you decide to do that before you moved?

    Yah. It sleeted for awhile here. I did worry about Jessie though because it was icing over pretty bad where he was on the mountain. Meh. I hate it.

  2. No they don't play dolls a lot they kinda do their own thing today is the first day I seen them play together.

    She kept taking off her diaper so I asked her if she wanted panties and she said yea lol. I'm not potty training per say just getting her used to the idea (:
