Friday, June 21, 2013

The Start of a Healthier Lifestyle

I am on a new adventure so to speak of eating healthier and losing weight.
I know I keep coming back to it, but I will never be comfortable in my own skin until I take charge of my life.
Now that I believe I am officially done with pregnancy and having more children I feel like it is time I put my foot down and begin my long journey to a healthier lifestyle.
We have already started eating organically and I have since convinced a few friends of mine to branch out into the world of organics.

It's not about the label of "I eat only organic blah blah blah" it is about the fact that we will begin to be healthier.
I want my kids to have every opportunity in life and if I continue to fill their bellies with fast food, non organic fruits (which have pretty much every ingredient BUT the fruit intended for), all these greasy non healthy meats and processed crap my kids have no chance.
I grew up in a household with limited fruits, veggies and about every kind of snack cakes, chips, and sweet you could possibly think of.
John grew up in fast food central (I believe when we got together he ate out breakfast, lunch and dinner from what I recall).

When we became husband and wife naturally our terrible eating habits followed.
I was a mere 98 pounds when John and I got together and with the terrible eating, the pregnancy's and what have you I am nowhere close to that weight.
We agreed, together, after many years of fighting weight issues, hunger after we had just eaten a rather unhealthy meal, and having our two spawns that it was time to make the switch.
I was hesitant because I don't like to branch out in the new food department, however I was eager to make the switch to organic.
We lived near Earth Fare the healthy supermarket and we began to explore.

As I learned more about their meats, dairy products and so much more we decided to start slowly I got milk, eggs, and some fresh fruits.
The milk was amazing, I could taste the difference and it was so pure.
I vowed never to buy non organic milk again (which can be hard I buy about 4 1/2 gallons of milk per month), but it was worth it.
The meats came next and it was just the same the taste is so much purer.

As we now buy at Whole Foods and Earth Fare mainly we do still use our "filler" foods at Bilo or Walmart.
I am happy to say that we buy a lot less junk (no soda! rarely sweets! no chips!)
As I see us all transforming to healthier living I can't help but feel like adding workouts in my life wouldn't hurt.
I have been back and forth with zumba, wii fit, and numerous other attempts, but I think I have decided to just go with any kind of workout I feel that day.

Life doesn't have to be this hard, it is what we make it.
You choose how you want to live and I want to live a long and healthy life for my girls.
I know what is important and I am going to bust my butt making it happen.
And it will happen, determination is power.

Start of healthy living Gymnastics once a week 

Swimming in the summer 

Healthy breakfast, lunches, dinners and snacks 

Healthier snacks 

Banana Smoothies 

My little bit shopping at earth fare 

Cuties as drinks!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Confession of a Lonely Heart

Most of my high school life I was one of those stereotypical confused teens.
However I didn't feel stereotypical, in fact I felt incredibly alone.
Sure I had friends and a boyfriend and oodles of family, but it didn't change the fact that somewhere inside I felt so terribly alone.
My parents were going through a very nasty divorce and although I hate to say it affected me (I feel so exposed saying so) but it did.

I wanted so badly to be everyone's rock, the one that goes unscathed.
As I scoped out teachers and students I began to learn which ones would allow me to push buttons and which ones I couldn't.
As if researching for a big paper I kept mental notes about the way a teacher would reprimand a student within the four walls.
My journey to be "that student" was well on its way, what the appeal was I am still unsure.

As if adding to my rap sheet at school wasn't enough I started getting into things I shouldn't have.
Knife to skin, cigarettes and plenty of other dumb shit most adolescents find themselves conflicted with.
What was the appeal? Still to this day I have stories, but the pain from those stories will never completely fade.
As if I didn't feel like the must fucked up kid on the planet anyway I had struggles with things that were far beyond my maturity level.

I know in my heart he is meant for me, but the obstacles that were constantly being forced in front of us made John and I far too independent on each other.
I am not sure if that is how most normal relationships are, you know, giving up the things you love to do just to spend every measly second with what you presume to be your soul mate.
I feel like my world was spinning I knew inside this wasn't who I was and it was not supposed to be who I was going to become.
As I began coming out of my meek shell and into my hard one I found myself doing and saying things that are now very in character for me, but at the time were completely out of character.

I am sure I exhausted my parents beyond belief.
As I consumed myself basically with John I lost a part of myself along the way.
Suddenly impressing the world was more important than values or morals.
As I walked out of class for the umpteenth time I could feel the old me slipping away.

I flirted and was flirted on and would lead a boy to the depths of hell and then say "sorry I have a boyfriend" as if that is a way to treat a man's heart.
As I made a name for myself "the girl with the bracelets" and attended concert after concert I  felt alive.
I felt like I had the entire world in the palm of my hand.
I had teachers minds wrapped around the thoughts of "why is that girl so fucked up!" I had the boys hearts in my hand to do with as I pleased.

Leading them on and leading them on and then forgetting what it was like to have my heart broken.
As if I needed a sign to tell me to slow down, I was going to fast to keep up with I got cheated on.
Oh, you know the high school thing where a boy spends an entire day with a girl, kisses her and then presumes he is madly in love with her, yea that kinda happened to me.
I felt like my heart got ripped from my chest and I called my male friend for comfort.
As most adults know at this point it is almost impossible for a girl and boy to have a "friend" relationship with each other without crossing some lines and doing something stupid.

As I tried to prove I was superior to the hoe and show my man what I could do and who I could be I slipped even farther from who I am.
I lost a big piece of myself then, as I have still yet to regain myself 9 years later.
I gave a lot of bad impressions telling my teachers exactly how it felt to have your heart dangling and then a dog just mauling on it.
Giving my friends any inkling into my fucked up mind, I thought I was free, I thought I was setting myself free.

I didn't realize that I was scared.
I had things surrounding me that I can't even fully describe.
I woke up with unexplained marks on my arms, it looked as if someone had grabbed me so hard and dug their fingernails deep into my skin.
I could hear something in the night, my skin crawled, my hair stood up on my arms, and I couldn't explain a damn thing.

I felt haunted for so long, so alone, so scared and I just dragged my fucked up life into others making them feel responsible for me, for my mind somehow.
When my mom put me into psycho therapy for the second time I regressed.
I buried deep into myself and never wanted to come out.
I was a turtle in her shell and I wasn't letting anyone in.

As my teacher tried and tried to pray with me, help me and encourage me I felt I had power over the situation.
Anyone that wasn't for me was against me and at the time I couldn't care less.
I flipped teachers off, spoke my mind, cussed out my principals and I didn't care about any of it.
I was screaming in desperation for help, for the hole I dug myself in, and no one was lending the hand I needed.
Instead I felt pushed into being worse, and doing more.

I have gone through many things in my life, but for some reason I come back to this a lot.
I never felt good enough for any one, and sometimes I still don't.
I never felt like I was worth fighting for, and mostly I find that to be true.
I made two of the best people on this planet and I want them to know with everything in me that they are my life, they are my loves, they are what matters in this painful world.

If I have done everything wrong, creating those girls wasn't it.
When I look in their faces I can't describe how badly I want to shield them from pain.
There is nothing you can do for a broken heart.
I know. Mine's been broken for quite sometime.

The only thing I can do is try and raise them right, repent to my Lord for all the hurt I have caused.
And although my high school years make for stories it's not who I want my kids to think of me as, remember about me.
If the only legacy I can leave behind is them.
Well then I'd say I didn't turn out all that bad.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Birthday Girls, Birthday Parties, Birthday's All In One!

Last month on May 11, 2013 we celebrated Madilyn Kate's 2nd birthday as well as Kylie Jade's 5th birthday.
The girls had a blast having a combined party (however on the fence if we will continue this tradition, but it was fun to try it out one time!)
Either way the girls had a great turn out and so much fun!
We did a Hello Kitty/Minnie Mouse theme for the girls different interest.

Madilyn had one of her bestest friends Weston show up at the party and aside from family the rest of the guests were mainly for Kylie Jade.
They got so many presents it was insane (thankfully we moved to a 4 bedroom house with a playroom to contain the monsters toys!)
The girls had a blast starting off with some fun pool time after everyone had a dip in the pool John finished making the hot dogs and we all are. Everyone seemed to be mingling well and eating up the yummy foods we offered.
After hot dogs we did cupcakes then game time!

The kids all seemed to really enjoy the games and they all got competitive.
Quickly we passed out party favors and sent everyone on their way.
Once it was just family (and a few of our closest friends) we decided it was present time!
Madilyn went first taking her time mainly just playing with the toys, but seemingly enjoying her spot light.
Kylie Jade was next and she tore through the toys.

Needless to say it was a great party however exhausting I think next year we will do it at a place I don't like playing with the weather!
Either way the girls had so much fun and it was amazing seeing how much fun they had.
I am thankful to all who came out to celebrate their birthdays it was amazing!
I leave you with pictures!

Party favors and game prizes

Coloring books and crayons for party favors!

Present table before everyone got there 

Madilyn's side of the present table 

Ball toss game! 

Pin the bow on Hello Kitty game 

Hot Dog fixin's table 

Kylie Jade's cupcakes

Her special one 

Madilyn's cupcakes 

2 years old =(

BIg girl on her birthday party day 

My sweet girls 

Love those goofballs 


Start of the party 

4 beautiful girls 

Sliding fun

Love these girls! 

Fun in the pool 

Little Hannah 

Adrian the youngest member of the birthday party love him! 

More girls having a blast 

Pool time slide time 

Madilyn Kate playing in the water table we set up 

Weston bald and beautiful 

Best buds (no matter how far they move!)

The girls having a blast 

Weston enjoying time in the water table 

MJ swinging 

Madilyn's present table 

Kylie Jade's 

Silly girls 

Some of these kids were complete fishes 


Yummy food time 

More food 


Lilly and Kylie Jade playing in the water table 

Cutie pie Brandon 


More pool time 

Kylie Jade and beautiful MJ 

Love these kids 

Birthday girl! 

2 year old cupcake 

Sweet girls Hannah and Sami 

I love those 2 

Red face 


Best buds 

Getting ready to play games 

They all had a blast during the game 

Musical chairs time 

They loved it 

More kids are out 

There they go 


Present table 

The girls waiting to open their gifts 

Sami, Kylie Jade and Lilly

Kylie Jade and her best bud Lilly 

Kylie Jade and her best bud Sami 

Madilyn's loot 

Kylie Jade's loot 

Madilyn enjoying some gifts 

Kylie Jade's loot 
