Saturday, September 21, 2013

Most Important Thing!

I want to raise my girls to fiercely love their Creator and I want to instill they have a great relationship with God.
As we have laid in place a loving, christian environment for the girls to grow in their faith with Bible classes, friendships, and teachers who openly pray and take up prayer requests in class.
I feel, they may be still, lacking the overall passion for Our Lord.
It's not just about classes and learning through scripture it's about your prayers, and your absolute desire to be Christ like.

As happy as I am to open up Kylie Jade's homework folder and find Bible pages and the Scripture of the week I find myself lacking that internal fire for Christ.
In the end does it really matter if your child is tall or short, the smartest and brightest in the class or the slowest?
God sees us all the same whether we have Downs or have genius IQs, mediocre or speech delayed it doesn't matter to Him.
It's nice to spoil your child by taking them to the beach or Disney World 3 times a year, but those are all just things that eventually die off and fade away.

I have struggled to keep up with my pride not allowing anyone to know that we have struggled to make ends meet for quite some time.
I have resorted to consignment shopping, hand me downs, and skipping the elaborate vacations all in the name of a Christian school where I believe in their values, education and principals.
I know in my heart the Disney trips we will miss out on is worth it when I see my daughter thriving in school.
God placed her there to make a difference and I know she will.

Some of the happiest people in life live so simply that, in a world made of materialistic things, one is startled by their true happiness.
God is all forgiving, all loving, all worthy and we only show Him a glimpse of what He unconditionally gives to us.
I pray He has the mercy I have heard about.

In the chaos of events that happened during the time I was writing this blog I felt compelled to show His grace in every situation I was faced with.
It's not always easy, and I will continue to lose my cool in the situations of two unbelievably ornery kids, but I will overcome with His grace.
The love of God she learns at school, chapel, and church is the love I want her to feel at home.
Our home is christened with Christ, and in a world of pain, consequences, madness, and chaos I want my girls to be able to shut their eyes tight, fold their hands and pray wherever they are led to pray. No restrictions, nobody in a tizzy because they prayed out loud at a public school, they are free to spread their wings and give glory to their one and only Savior.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

After All We Are Only Little Once

As I sat in the chair listening to all the things Kylie's Kindergarten teacher had to say about her. 
I had this pit of the stomach feeling like I was back in high school about to be reprimanded for bad behavior yet again.
As I sat on the other side, as a parent and no longer a lost student I felt a little ill and sick like how has the time flown so fast that I am 26 years old with a Kindergartener? 
The feeling I couldn't shake of desperation for the years that are flying all too quickly away from me.
My youth, their youth and the new firsts we are embarking on. 

Wasn't I just at the school helping out as a student aide instead of a parent? 
Wasn't the dreams and hopes of my child one day becoming a CCS student so far in the distance it was somewhat laughable that I was even imagining it? 
Here it is, the reality I have to accept and come to terms with.
I am no longer a kid and motherhood has chose me and it is time to move forward no matter how much I sometimes long to go backwards. 

As my girls are growing and learning and becoming their own little people with their own personalities, interests, and opinions I find myself grasping at straws. 
Why did God make the world to where children are little for such a short while?
It seems like just yesterday I was a kid whom, in all her stubbornness, still didn't realize what the world was really like outside of my rich little bubble. 
As far as I was concerned life would go exactly as I had mapped out in my head...oh boy what a disappointment that was. 

I am always so dramatic about how drastically a day can change my child and how with a blink they have grown from infancy into walking, talking toddlers/school aged children. 
Sitting in that chair today on the other side of the totem pole I realized how fast my life is changing. 
In 7 short years since graduation day my life has completely been turned upside down. 
As much as I love my girls with every fiber of my being, my life didn't quite turn out as I had once planned and hoped for. 

As much as I feel unprepared for this school journey as the parent role. 
I somehow feel at peace that I least know the people who are involved in her education at the school. 
I know they say the first year of school is always the hardest on the parents, but I think it's even harder on John and I knowing that it wasn't long ago we were walking down those hallways heading to class as carefree teenagers. 
Life flies so quickly and I want to teach my children to embrace it. 

After all they are only little once. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

A New Season

In the quest laid before me of the terrible potty learning I happily announce MADILYN IS FINALLY IN PANTIES.
It just needed to click and once it did our journey has been super easy as she has gone 2 days in a row accident free.
We don't do the whole "Stay home for a week" thing we get her out and used to using other potties, thankfully this child is not scared of public restrooms so it's made outings quite easy.
I am so excited we will be pull up free in the near future (she still uses them at night!)

I have my first parent/teacher conference ever with Kylie Jade's Kindergarten teacher on Tuesday and I am slightly nervous about it I am sure she is doing great, but I'm not in there with her all the time so that's just purely guessing.
As Kylie Jade is growing up I am seeing her do and learn new things such as reading, writing bigger words, taking tests, and just her all around attitude.
I have been impressed with her school so far and am so excited for her as she is loving her friends and her teachers.
As fall is quickly approaching I am realizing how fast time is flying, we are a month (tomorrow) into the school year and the first quarter of school is nearly a month away.

As I quietly sit back and breathe in the hours I remind myself to take in this moment because tomorrow is a brand new day chock full of brand new memories.
I can't believe we are already here.
The end of summer nearing and the beginning of a new season, new changes, new personalities, and new friendships.
I am sad to see the end of our last summer of no school end, but am excited for the new adventures all I can do is sit back, tighten my seat belt and enjoy the ride.

Kylie Jade looking so big

Madilyn Kate is so cute and wearing panties

Best buds

Kylie Jade going to school

Madilyn Kate at her first dentist appointment 28 mths 

Kylie Jade at school 

Lunch at school