Sunday, February 9, 2014

Many of Life's Failures

Life is full of so many disappointing moments.
Sometimes you are left feeling trapped, weak and broken.
Life isn't always fair, and will throw many curve balls.
But what you do with those balls makes all the difference.

It's been many years since I've put knife to wrist and I feel so relieved of that past.
I will never forget the scars, the hurt, the pain, but I've come out better for it.
I feel compelled to let it all go and use my weakness to strengthen someone else.

I've been broken. I have felt so numb inside I could barely hold on.
I held onto that hatred for so long my hurt turned into bitterness.
It has taken a lot to soften a heart that felt so worn.

Every morning it gets easier when I see their smiles.
I don't know what normal people use as a crutch to get our of their funk.
I am pretty sure I am far from normal.

Do normal people scream in pain, fear?
Do normal people feel so broken they feel there is nothing left to give?
I have always been good at hardening my heart when times get tough.
But it doesn't mean the pain's not there.

Life can be so disappointing.