Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Up and Coming

Really, Easter is just right around the corner.
I still have so much planning to do, Easter, birthdays, our new place (specifically the girls rooms).
I feel like I am never going to catch up.
I guess that's all parenting is about!

As we are settling in my mom's house for the long transition to finding a new place we have really enjoyed the space.
I realize that a 3 bedroom is necessary.
The girls seem happier, they can be loud without being told to be quiet (of course within reason).
My mom's house is equipped with a nice, large, fenced in backyard so when the weather is nice I can haul the girls out there to explore within the fenced in boundaries.

I am desperately trying to find a class for Madilyn to join.
Gymnastics this semester is going to be a no go I just don't feel comfortable with her being so young with big kids.
I was going to sign up both girls for swim lessons, but that turned into a bust when the times are going to be so different!
I just don't want to have to wait around for a class to end with Madilyn so if you hear of anything let me know.

John's new schedule starts soon.
I am a little worried, but super excited about it!
I am sure it's all going to work out the way it is meant.
We just gotta get him a car.

Well I am needed to start cleaning, naps and the like.
Until next time...

My view always since we started living here. Disney Jr. my girls all in love.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Another Step Closer

I have been moving slowly the last month. It has been stressful, but I know this is for the best.
We officially moved everything yesterday and a uhaul truck cost us around 50/60 total.
Everything is settled in and we are all doing nicely.
The girls took the move fine none of them are having and problems at all.

I am excited to start this next chapter in our lives.
It's always hard to move back in with family, but I know this is the best for our future.
We will begin looking for places in June.
Hopefully it won't take long to fall in love with something!

I am exhausted (still) and trying to get used to the idea of being in someone else's space.
We will be getting John's car soon and that is just absolutely awesome!!
I couldn't be more excited for him!
Okay that's about all the time I have.

Until next time...

The girls getting in our bookcase during moving day!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Time Is A Gift

Being an at home mother vs. a work out of the home mother definitely has its ups and downs.
Downs being they are together so often the fighting is CONSTANT, my youngest tends to need me from 7am to around 8pm (only with an hr of nap in between), finding things to entertain in the cold weather is scarce.
The Ups being I get to be the teacher and kind of help them learn through everything we do, I have seen Kylie Jade blossom since she isn't being switched from teacher to teacher with too many kids crammed into a classroom, I have seen Madilyn grow from a needy toddler to branching out and trying new things, I have time to do the things I loved and have forgotten I did, I have time to work out (and don't have an excuse not too) and best of all I am here. For everything. That is the way it is supposed to be.
When my children aren't trying to rip each other's heads off I have seen them grow a stronger bond.
Kylie Jade will gently lead Madilyn around talking to her so lovingly as if she were a fragile doll, and Madilyn bringing Kylie Jade things she needs (example she got of the shower and touched the floor and said "Mommy my feet are cold!" And Madilyn ran off and brought back her socks and house shoes!) they have really grown a lot closer.

My husband and I have grown closer because we actually get to see each other.
Not many know that we were on the verge of divorce (and when I say on the verge I mean he had his shit packed and a lot of his stuff was at his dads).
I have gotten to see a side of my husband that has been buried for several years since he and I always worked opposite shifts.
Now that I no longer have the stress of work on my shoulders my husband and I were able to mend things and fix the things that were broken...and even though it IS hard it is fixable and we realized we didn't want to give up on each other because, for the longest time, each other was all we had.

Now that Kindergarten for my oldest is nearing, I find myself scrambling to pick up all the pieces of her childhood I have missed and even though I felt she was in the best of hands when she was younger (we loved Primrose!) I will never regain those hours she spent at a daycare facility.
My kids are my life...I know some of you feel that I am standing on a pedestal and acting holier than thou, maybe it's because you feel inferior or perhaps because you long for a baby and have not been able to receive it.
Whichever way it is know that when you become a parent your heart is literally carried outside of your heart, a piece of it goes wherever they go.
I never could treasure my time with them because I was constantly on the go and by the time I got home I was so wiped out from working I could barely hear them and no ones childhood should ever be like that.

I feel like I have become a stronger person because of it.
Do I miss working at times sure do I loved what I did when I had competent workers (which not surprisingly) didn't happen a lot I always got these piece of shit coworkers who never knew how to properly change a diaper standing up or had no idea what was appropriate for a three year old to be learning...I guess once you worked with a Dawn Mosely no one would EVER compare!
Sometimes I miss the cute faces of some of my old children (Addison F love her).
But at the end of the day I am happy with the choices I have made.

There is nothing like watching your kids love each other with an unbreakable bond.
Nothing like having your kids be each others best friends.
I gave them time to get to really know each other.
And I think that was the best gift possible.

So when it comes down to it, at the end of these sometimes unbearably long days, I feel so very blessed to be home with my two beautiful children and my husband.
Because time with them is everything that matters to me.

Our awesome Valentine Treasure Hunt 

Kylie Jade was a pro she found their presents!

Madilyn showing me her Mickey and Minnie she got for VDAY

Kylie Jade with her new Valentine Hat

My baby with all her Valentines at School

Yes, I have a tiny little head!

Best buds

My 2 beautiful girls

Cross eyed

These girls have a piece of my heart

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Things Of The Past

Sorry for the lack of posts.
My days sure have been busy.
Thursday I packed pretty much all day.
Friday I went to the Creative Discovery Museum, Chee Burger Chee Burger and Cold stone Creamery with my friend Brittany.

The girls had a blast Madilyn's only been to CDM a few times, but this time she was old enough to actually play.
The girls took their time in each place and Kylie Jade and Samantha played so nicely.
They seemed to enjoy the playhouse the most, but they also seemed to really love digging in the sand for dinosaur bones.
All in all the girls wore themselves out til they were starving.

I had never been to Chee Burger, but it was good (a little on the expensive side) but still tasty.
The girls were mostly good, Madilyn was beyond the point of starvation so she was a little cranky.
Once we got the food everyone settled down and gobbled up their meal.
We decided to head to Cold Stone for ice cream.

The girls got kids scoops and ate up their ice cream.
They sat at one table and laughed and played.
It was weird seeing them this old.
I am kinda in denial that Kylie Jade is almost 5years old and Madilyn almost 2.

We left and came back to my place.
Brittany and I had good conversation and the girls just played dress up.
It was time for them to go (and girls to get a bath) so I gave Brit her stuff and they were gone.
My girls were worn out they went to sleep quickly and soundly.

Today I have just been working out took a 30min walk to the bilo (with the girls) to get our bananas so we could make banana smoothies and it was WORTH it!
I did some aerobics, zumba and Wii fit now I am down 16 lbs. It feels good.
Well I better wrap this up as I am tired and want to snuggle on the couch with Kylie (Madilyn is sound asleep).
Water at CDM 

Dress up

Holding a rubber duck

Water play 

On her way to the slides 

She loved this dang car

Sliding time

Kylie Jade said "the car needs oil and gas" 

All three girls in the kitchen 

They were playing together 

Drawing with water 

Digging for dinosaur bones 

Samantha and Kylie Jade 

She wanted to make a sand angel 

Dinosaur exhibit 

Madilyn kept saying "it's cute. awwww!" 

The girls! 

head first she's not scared 

The girls this is SO their personalities too Kylie Jade spunky Samantha always unsure lol 

Coldstone Creamery 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Picnics And A Surprise!

It has been so beautiful outside the past two days.
Yesterday I took my beautiful booger to school, watched my sick niece for a few hours, picked up my big girl came home and fed lunch. 
John got his school money so I went grocery shopping (bought all the girls Valentines stuff) and spent 2 1/2 hours in the store. 
Came home unloaded the car, put our packed boxes in the car quickly went to the library returned and picked out books for the girls ran to my moms unloaded the car and ran Kylie Jade to gymnastics.

Which, by the way, she is doing AWESOME at. 
She is really starting to be less afraid. I am so proud of her! 
She is moving to Gymnastics 1 when this session ends.
It seems like she was that newly two year old starting class and now she's almost 5. 

Anyway John had a long lunch picked him up, went to Zaxbys dropped him off and FINALLY came home. 
Only to do baths and workout then bed. 
I was exhausted but I have lost 16 lbs to date and I'm not stopping now.

Today John need to run to Chattanooga State to pick up his books and since it was to be another pretty day I figured we'd have a picnic at river park.
Packed our lunches and loaded up the girls and we were on our way. 
The girls spent some time first playing on the playground (we arrived around 10:15.)
They had so much fun.

Madilyn on the playground

Kylie Jade balancing 

Sweet face

Slide time 


Swinging while talking with a friend she made

Little one often terrorizes the playground.
Today she found a sweet innocent looking girl and pulled her hair clip right out of her head.
I wasn't surprised just made her give it back and say she was sorry then she had to leave that play area.
That kid I swear. 

Next we decided to eat lunch! 
I packed cajun chicken, cheese, olive and lettuce sandwiches, with applesauce celery and V8 juice. 
For a "snack" they got doritos which the girls thoroughly enjoyed.
They ate so fast and were so ready to get back out there.

Lunch time!

Next we hit bathrooms and then we decided to take a stroll.
To my surprise John joined us (I thought he was going to find a shady spot to start his homework)
We walked and enjoyed the day.
Kylie Jade then came up with a brilliant idea...she needed Ice Cream.

Bike time

Photo Op of couse

So John decided to haul us all down to ColdStone. 
The girls were thrilled.
Kylie Jade got dreamcicle with gumballs, Madilyn got chocolate with M&Ms, I got founders favorite and John got two ice creams mixed.
Although the girls were sharing, because they are just sweet like that.

Picking out flavors


We came home and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening outside.
My brother came over and we played frisbee.
We also played tag, racing, soccer, ring around the rosie and read books sitting in the back of the trunk.
We also filled out Valentines. 

The girls decided to clean out the water table

It was dinnertime I fixed tacos.
They were delicious. 
Then I gave them baths and did Wii fit. 
We've been doing colored baths every night tonight was pink, the other night was blue. 

Blue water

Pink tub

Well I am beyond exhausted and Madilyn is about ready for bed.
I hope you all enjoyed the pictures.
Sorry I haven't been updating as much I just have been so busy.
Until Next Time...

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Small Idea Turned MEGA

So the girls and I were playing in their room. 
We are mega bored so I had the thought to make a fort. 
After all they have a ton of blankets so why not use them?
I got to work.

I picked a small corner of their room.
We got busy.
I quickly realized this wasn't the best idea as Madilyn was tearing it down.
Then I got a MEGA idea. 

Little fort
Quickly I thought up a way to make MEGA fort.
So John and I got to work.
We made mega fort in the living room.
It was a success.

Mega Fort

The girls playing puppies in mega fort

Puppy Madilyn

So they are playing puppies and having fun, then I handed Kylie Jade her library books.
They laid back on the bean bag and enjoyed reading the books.
If they get a nap outta mega fort it'd be ultimate success.
Even still their laughter and giggles is rewarding enough for me.
