Saturday, December 28, 2013

All I Want For My Girls

I have known, since I was little girl that all I have ever wanted to be was a mother. Anything else that happened in between that was just a bonus.

The first time I laid eyes on Kylie Jade was like a sweet secret that we both just seemed to share. I knew there was going to be a lot of learning, growing, positives and let downs. When I looked into her big blue eyes it seemed that giving her the world was the only option I had. I didn't even really know this stranger yet everything seemed to be just perfect.

As we have gotten to know each other, molded into our mother/daughter roles and have added another crazy kid in the mix I see so much of me in her. It is weird when you raise a kid and you see your flaws in your child. I just want to play Fix It Flix and cover my tracks. Sometimes you just slip up, sometimes you just say things you don't even mean and sometimes parenting is just a big let down. 

I try not to let my failures over shadow the positives, the good in parenting. Movie nights, tickle fights, crafting, shopping these are all the things that bring us closer together. Prayers before meals, going to church together and discussing what Sunday school was about are things that make us grow spiritually together. I know there are many times I wish I didn't say that, or I feel so frustrated I just scream out random gibberish just to get either one of them to listen to me. And sometimes I walk away. Walk away from the tears, the constant fighting, or the blood curdling screams. Sometimes it is just easier to shut the door. 

I have been a shut door for most of my adult life. Door after door slammed into the faces of the people I love. I just want to have the doors always open for my girls. I know I lost it at times, and I am never going to be even close to the perfect parent. But I do want to be there. For the little things and the big things. 

Having had two kids to maneuver and figure out has definitely been an interesting journey. I am watching from the start of the people who they are going to become. I want to teach them the value of money, of laughter, of love, of God's love for us. It is a lot harder than I thought to raise productive, not materialistic kids. In this world you either have it or you don't.

Before I had kids I knew where they were going to end up in school. I knew from the beginning they would be a part of mine and John's stories. Walking through the same hallways we did and having some of the same teachers we had. John and I have had to make a lot of sacrifices and I am not even sorry for it. We don't live in a fancy home, don't even have a garage, we only drive one car to cut down on gas bills, car maintenance and car payments, and we strive for the girls to see the beauty in it. Kylie Jade gets to talk about God openly. She gets asked her prayer request each morning. She gets to see the beauty of God's creation without being called a "Jesus freak" or being an outcast because she shines for The Lord. She can openly talk about her love for God and learn Bible verses and hear His word through her school journey. That, to me, is giving her everything. He IS the only way and if she can be in a school where His love is encouraged than that is all there is. It doesn't matter if I have enough money for that Barbie dream house or enough money for that second car or 2 story house. It doesn't matter. All I want for my girls is for them to have a burning desire to please Him and strive to have a closer relationship with Him. 

This new year is going to be all about Him, all about striving to be more like Him, and asking for forgiveness more. Perhaps asking that He bring me Grace and Patience. If there is anything I want my kids to remember about me when I am gone it is that I had a burning fire for my Lord. That is all there is to this life. Nothing more. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Confessing My Weakness

On rainy nights such as tonight I can feel the weakness in my soul.
For most of my life I've played the bitch not giving an inch and not letting anybody in.
It's exhausting spending most of your days angry at the world.
I stew in my own misery.

I've tried so hard to do my best raising my girls to be everything I wasn't growing up.
I chose the private school life so my daughters would gain independency away from their mother.
As a previously homeschooled child I couldn't tell you how many times I dreamed of being normal and being in school and having normal, not so sheltered, friends.
I'm doing my best by how I have learned to manage this cruel world.

I still have some of that high school anger boiling inside.
I look at the world and all I see is red.
The memories haunt me, but they fade with time.
I can be so unreasonable and I know what I want from myself, from my spouse, my friends, my family and when it doesn't go the way i have planned...well sometimes I just lose it.
Life isn't supposed to be controlled only one knows what the future holds, but to let go is hard.

I am weak.
I am sad.
I am tired.
I am worn.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Sky's The Limit

There is something so warming about the cartoons on in the background, the smell of hot chocolate and dinner cooking, and the warmth of a nice, fuzzy blanket to cuddle in.
The girls and I have been taking long, evening walks as part of our "sound body, sound mind" theme.
Once their little noses are red and cheeks rosy we head back in as the street lights gleam and the air becomes slightly frosty.
Hand in hand we walk and talk about all the things we are seeing, digesting every bit of the outdoors we can get on our twenty minute trek around the neighborhood.

Once inside you'd think we were the "perfect" family. If you were to take only a glimpse you'd see me scurrying around to get dinner ready, the girls cleaning up their messes and laughing. In reality there is a lot of whining, shuffling of feet and grumbles, but that's the life with children isn't it?
As I finally sit down to take a bite of the delicious meal I cooked up there are screams of more water or more food, or I spilled something...anything to take me away from that first bite.
On the rare occasion we do not sit as a family and I allow TV time (such as tonight) I hear nothing but the low humming from the flickering screen.

I rarely have any down time to contemplate all the things I am so thankful for, but take for granted. For instance; silence. It is an amazing gift, which I rarely receive, but when I do I feel grace wash over me.
If only I took more time to silently pray, eyes closed, and nothing around me.
So much distractions, and very little praying is hard on the mind and soul.

As the hectic day is winding down to a slightly less chaotic night I feel the love all around me.
Two beautiful feet sticking out from underneath their eating trays as they watch a Mickey Mouse Christmas movie.
I sigh, I chuckle and then I begin to prepare for the end.
There's always an end, but with endings we gain a new beginning.
And with a new beginning the sky's the limit.

Monday, November 11, 2013


I close my eyes tightly and pretend this isn't real.
I've disappointed, I'm disappointed.
These angels drifting with their bows of hate.
Lie after lie, curse after curse.
Cover up your tracks and live in denial.
I let my breath out evenly as I swear to the world.
This isn't how my life was supposed to be.
I've given up completely; broke away from the crowd.
I'll walk alone, suffer the pain alone and carry the burden alone.
There's no going back you've set your fate.
Never forget. Never forgive.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Else Is Left?

It's late.
It's dark. 
There's no one left, but me. 
The silence. 
It's deafening.
I'm worn from the screams. 

Cutting deeper and deeper until there's nothing left. 
I'm broken, I'm worn this doesn't make any sense. 
At some point isn't life supposed to carry you with it? 
I close my eyes tight and scream into the night. 

It's crazy.
It's bizarre. 
I just don't make any sense. 
It's cold. 
The air. 
There's ashes every where. 

My tongue spews the poison that stains my blackened heart. 
I don't think, I don't care I continue this fate. 
At some point isn't life supposed to get easier?
I scream, I grin I tightly clench my fists. 

This world.
It's over. 
There's no one left, but me.
This silence.
It's deafening. 
All I hear are my screams. 

I'm done.
It's over.
The emptiness is gone. 
I've drifted. 
I've faded. 
Alone, worn, forgotten. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

It is what it is

Things aren't always quite what they seem to be.

People aren't always who you think they are.

Life isn't always what you planned it to be. 

Most people do not grow up beyond middle school in the maturity department. 

If you do not conform to what society says is right basically you are shunned. 

If you think differently than everyone else you will be called weird.

If you aren't a size 2 you are fat. 

If you yell out of frustration you are all of a sudden a bad parent. 

If you have concerns about your child that seem to be petty to some you are labeled as "that parent."

If your child doesn't eat an only organic diet you do not care about their health.

If your child has three play dates in one day they are "over scheduled."

If you don't parent the way your friend does you "don't have a clue."

Life isn't what you planned it to be.

You have to roll with the punches. 

It never gets easier drying your child's tears. 

If you mess with my kids I will rip you to shreds. 

Friends are only friends until boredom sets in. 

Girls are cruel. 

If you aren't being talked about behind your back you are a nobody. 

Lastly life is never what it seems to be, do what you do, live how you live, and enjoy the long, bumpy ride ahead of you. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

In My Prison

Do you ever feel trapped in a bubble? You just keep floating farther and farther away and the only escape is to pop the bubble completely? But that would only leave you to fall and you're so high up you'd surely die.

I think I feel this way about 90 percent of the time. I feel as if I have floated away from what real life is supposed to be like and there I am in my bubble, floating along. The only emotion I feel is gut wrenching pain. Do I pop this bubble? Do I take the plunge to my inevitable death? 

Perhaps I could spread my wings and fly with the current, but that might take too much faith. Faith in myself, faith in the world around me, faith in all of my surroundings. 

To live in a world where I just float along is most definitely the easy thing to do. My movements of those like a puppet where the world controls every movement I make. 

To scrape to the very depth of my soul would sicken most of you...if you only knew the demons that are on my back. I look down evening my breath as I drift out of you even hear me? 

Then the world blackens around me...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Most Important Thing!

I want to raise my girls to fiercely love their Creator and I want to instill they have a great relationship with God.
As we have laid in place a loving, christian environment for the girls to grow in their faith with Bible classes, friendships, and teachers who openly pray and take up prayer requests in class.
I feel, they may be still, lacking the overall passion for Our Lord.
It's not just about classes and learning through scripture it's about your prayers, and your absolute desire to be Christ like.

As happy as I am to open up Kylie Jade's homework folder and find Bible pages and the Scripture of the week I find myself lacking that internal fire for Christ.
In the end does it really matter if your child is tall or short, the smartest and brightest in the class or the slowest?
God sees us all the same whether we have Downs or have genius IQs, mediocre or speech delayed it doesn't matter to Him.
It's nice to spoil your child by taking them to the beach or Disney World 3 times a year, but those are all just things that eventually die off and fade away.

I have struggled to keep up with my pride not allowing anyone to know that we have struggled to make ends meet for quite some time.
I have resorted to consignment shopping, hand me downs, and skipping the elaborate vacations all in the name of a Christian school where I believe in their values, education and principals.
I know in my heart the Disney trips we will miss out on is worth it when I see my daughter thriving in school.
God placed her there to make a difference and I know she will.

Some of the happiest people in life live so simply that, in a world made of materialistic things, one is startled by their true happiness.
God is all forgiving, all loving, all worthy and we only show Him a glimpse of what He unconditionally gives to us.
I pray He has the mercy I have heard about.

In the chaos of events that happened during the time I was writing this blog I felt compelled to show His grace in every situation I was faced with.
It's not always easy, and I will continue to lose my cool in the situations of two unbelievably ornery kids, but I will overcome with His grace.
The love of God she learns at school, chapel, and church is the love I want her to feel at home.
Our home is christened with Christ, and in a world of pain, consequences, madness, and chaos I want my girls to be able to shut their eyes tight, fold their hands and pray wherever they are led to pray. No restrictions, nobody in a tizzy because they prayed out loud at a public school, they are free to spread their wings and give glory to their one and only Savior.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

After All We Are Only Little Once

As I sat in the chair listening to all the things Kylie's Kindergarten teacher had to say about her. 
I had this pit of the stomach feeling like I was back in high school about to be reprimanded for bad behavior yet again.
As I sat on the other side, as a parent and no longer a lost student I felt a little ill and sick like how has the time flown so fast that I am 26 years old with a Kindergartener? 
The feeling I couldn't shake of desperation for the years that are flying all too quickly away from me.
My youth, their youth and the new firsts we are embarking on. 

Wasn't I just at the school helping out as a student aide instead of a parent? 
Wasn't the dreams and hopes of my child one day becoming a CCS student so far in the distance it was somewhat laughable that I was even imagining it? 
Here it is, the reality I have to accept and come to terms with.
I am no longer a kid and motherhood has chose me and it is time to move forward no matter how much I sometimes long to go backwards. 

As my girls are growing and learning and becoming their own little people with their own personalities, interests, and opinions I find myself grasping at straws. 
Why did God make the world to where children are little for such a short while?
It seems like just yesterday I was a kid whom, in all her stubbornness, still didn't realize what the world was really like outside of my rich little bubble. 
As far as I was concerned life would go exactly as I had mapped out in my head...oh boy what a disappointment that was. 

I am always so dramatic about how drastically a day can change my child and how with a blink they have grown from infancy into walking, talking toddlers/school aged children. 
Sitting in that chair today on the other side of the totem pole I realized how fast my life is changing. 
In 7 short years since graduation day my life has completely been turned upside down. 
As much as I love my girls with every fiber of my being, my life didn't quite turn out as I had once planned and hoped for. 

As much as I feel unprepared for this school journey as the parent role. 
I somehow feel at peace that I least know the people who are involved in her education at the school. 
I know they say the first year of school is always the hardest on the parents, but I think it's even harder on John and I knowing that it wasn't long ago we were walking down those hallways heading to class as carefree teenagers. 
Life flies so quickly and I want to teach my children to embrace it. 

After all they are only little once. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

A New Season

In the quest laid before me of the terrible potty learning I happily announce MADILYN IS FINALLY IN PANTIES.
It just needed to click and once it did our journey has been super easy as she has gone 2 days in a row accident free.
We don't do the whole "Stay home for a week" thing we get her out and used to using other potties, thankfully this child is not scared of public restrooms so it's made outings quite easy.
I am so excited we will be pull up free in the near future (she still uses them at night!)

I have my first parent/teacher conference ever with Kylie Jade's Kindergarten teacher on Tuesday and I am slightly nervous about it I am sure she is doing great, but I'm not in there with her all the time so that's just purely guessing.
As Kylie Jade is growing up I am seeing her do and learn new things such as reading, writing bigger words, taking tests, and just her all around attitude.
I have been impressed with her school so far and am so excited for her as she is loving her friends and her teachers.
As fall is quickly approaching I am realizing how fast time is flying, we are a month (tomorrow) into the school year and the first quarter of school is nearly a month away.

As I quietly sit back and breathe in the hours I remind myself to take in this moment because tomorrow is a brand new day chock full of brand new memories.
I can't believe we are already here.
The end of summer nearing and the beginning of a new season, new changes, new personalities, and new friendships.
I am sad to see the end of our last summer of no school end, but am excited for the new adventures all I can do is sit back, tighten my seat belt and enjoy the ride.

Kylie Jade looking so big

Madilyn Kate is so cute and wearing panties

Best buds

Kylie Jade going to school

Madilyn Kate at her first dentist appointment 28 mths 

Kylie Jade at school 

Lunch at school 

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Few Things I Have Learned...

A Few Things I Have Learned About Having A 5 Year Old:

1. They have an opinion on EVERYTHING!
2. They will lose their teeth much sooner than you are ready for.
3. Five year olds are ALWAYS talking about age if you are younger than five they will look at you in disgust and if you are older than five (yes this includes 5 1/2) they will whine and complain and talk about how UNFAIR it is that they aren't older.
4. If they give you the death stare you better stop embarrassing them and HIDE because what comes after the stare is ten times worse.
5. The attitude they are giving you? Yea expect a ton more sass and spunk to go along with that.
6. You had a say in what they wore? Yeah that is going to stop IMMEDIATELY.
7. Clothes for comfort are out clothes for style are in.
8. If you forget to pack a snack for school you will never hear the end of it. EVER.
9. Do not, I repeat, do NOT talk down to your child...they will blow your mind away with their sarcasm.
10. Kindergarten is a big deal you better act like it.
11. Your child will get a kick out of you crying, but will immediately flip out on you if you cry in front of their friends.
12. Please don't hover, it's not cool.
13. Allow your child to make their own mistakes regarding school work or dressing mishaps it will make for a good learning experience and if not, hey, at least you got some goofy pictures you can laugh about later.
14. If you come to visit for lunch, you better bring a treat otherwise you will be ignored. The entire time.
15. Snuggles are few and far between take them as you get them. Stop doing laundry, put down the phone, let the water boil a little longer and give your kid a dang cuddle already.
16. If your kid asks for you to play with them and you pretend you don't hear them, remember they can whine.
17. If you mention their birthday you better be prepared to talk birthday plans. A birthday is NEVER too far away.
18. If you say one thing but mean something else be prepared to be ridiculed because your five year old is witty now.
19. If you embarrass them in front of their friends, just remember she will tell the teacher the things you do not want told. Stop and think before you speak.
20. When your child has finally laid down for their beauty rest stop and look at her sweet toes peeking out from under the blanket, look adoringly at her angelic face and try and forget that was the face that was screaming bloody murder this morning because her hair is all wrong, sticking her tongue out because you didn't allow her to pick the movie because it was his sisters turn, or rolling her eyes because she is all sass. Just remember she is still your little girl and no matter how much she tries to dodge your kisses, or smarts off she is still everything you had hoped she'd be. Nothing less.

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Day In The Life

Well the first full week of school has proven to be somewhat difficult. Between exhaustive tantrums at the end of the school day, parent night at the elementary school, numerous emails to Kylie's teacher, and figuring out the best schedule for our family I am feeling the overwhelming stress many people talk about. Kindergarten has been a big adjustment on our family. I am finding myself pretty exhausted at the end of the day.

I am so happy we have found a great school where Kylie feels safe, valued and that her opinion matters. Though our financial situation doesn't always warrant for the newest, the best or the fanciest we are able to provide Kylie Jade the best start to her school career as we possibly can. School is too big of an issue to play around with, experiment with, and just hope that the outcome isn't failure. I fully believe we have made the best choice and given any other option this would be the choice I would choose every time.

As Kylie grows, learns and develops in a real school setting I am seeing her little personality blossom. She has new friendships, many teachers, and a whole world away from me that I won't ever really be a part of. As much as I feel a little weepy over the years that are now just memories I can't help but be so excited for my daughters new found independence. Even though we've had a few mishaps already in Kindergarten they will only be distant memories, just like her diaper, paci and bottle feeding years, in just a blink of the eye.

6 am comes far too early and with the crazy amount of rain we had it makes it ten times more difficult to get out of bed, shower and start breakfast before the girls wake up. As they slowly and dreadfully wake up I begin preparations for the start of the school day. I take it one day at a time, one crazy exhausted moment at a time, one headache at a time. I know this too shall pass and that when the time comes for her to move onto the middle school age I will be thinking back on this as one of the simpler times.

So no matter how hard it is to wake up with the massive headaches that are soon to follow, no matter how annoying it is to awaken sleeping children and get them both ready for the day ahead I am going to enjoy and savor every last minute of it because anyone with children knows that the time goes way too fast.

And no matter how many times I have to wake one sleepy eye at a time I can keep holding onto the hope that, no matter how exhausted I am, the weekend is only a few days away!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Mommy Confession

The days seem to be getting shorter or perhaps it's that, now, I dread Mondays more than before.
The routine of making lunches and snacks, making sure back packs are prepared, clothes laid out for the AM so we have less fighting is making my head spin. 
Sundays are cut short with excitement/dread of the next day ahead. 
I force a smile on my face and begin my monotonous duties as a mommy. 

As they are growing I am realizing more and more that me, Maria, is slowly fading into chores, kissing boo boos, cleaning, and driving the kids to school and activities. 
Myself as a person is fading away and I hate that I spend my nights rather bored and exhausted from the previous days activities. 
I love my kids with EVERYTHING in me, but they aren't me. 
They will grow and move on with their lives and what will I be left with?

I find myself itching to just be me again, but sometimes life is just easier being lost in the kids worlds. 
I used to have an identity now I am just Kylie or Madilyn's mommy. 
I flinch at the very idea of adding MORE activities into our already HECTIC schedule. 
My passions are fading, my eagerness to do anything other than kid duties have drifted and I'm left empty and surrounded by the things that make me a mother. 

As summer is rolling quickly into fall I have made a decision to slowly do ONE thing a day that I enjoy doing for the sake of my sanity. 
Going out one on one with friends, taking walks (which the kids can do with me!), searching and making new recipes that are healthy and mostly organic, finding new books to read, date nights with MY husband and getting back in my work out routine. 
These things are vital for my sanity and I really want to make more time for me. 
My mommy confession may seem silly to some and others of you will be shaking your head vigorously knowing, all along, that I have been smothered in motherhood duties. 

If you know me you know, the minute I knew I was carrying them, I was their mother and nothing else mattered. 
If I can do this one thing for me, I do believe I will be a better mommy for it.
And as much as I love being known as Kylie and Madilyn's mommy. 
I also want to be remembered and known as me. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Power of Love From A Mother

Today was a day of firsts.
First time Kylie Jade starts Kindergarten.
Her first time ever going to real school. 
Her first time walking down the hallway to go to school for the first time.

Her first smiles and giggles with her friends.
First time eating her home brought lunch in the cafeteria. 
Her first time feeling that small pain when you miss your mommy.
Her first time meeting her classmates.

My first time watching her go and realizing this is where she is gonna be most of her life.
The first time seeing her wave her hand and sending her off away from me the majority of the day. 
The first time feeling uncomfortable and worried that she would get lost or cry for me. 
My first time really starting to let go of her and be her own person. 

I am so proud to call CCS her home away from home, but I have been wondering if it gets any easier?
Why does parenting have to be full of so many bitter sweet moments?
Why do I have to let go of my little girl?
Why can't she just be that bouncy toddler just one last time?

As I gathered her in my arms at pick up and she was all smiles I know this is right.
It doesn't get easier, so I hear, so I am trying my hardest to cherish this moment. 
The sparkle in her eye, the wanting me to come around, the "I miss yous" and "I love yous." 
Pretty soon they will be few and far between.

Right now I hold her little hand and before long her hands will be holding her steering wheel.
Not long from now her life will be sleepovers, secrets and boys.
I will be on the outside looking in during those years.
Only when she becomes a mother will she understand exactly how I feel for her and her sister.

My whole heart is theirs. 
Every breathe, every tear, every beat of my heart is for them. 
It's so hard for me to let go. 
Watching her wave bye to me I really felt like I lost, just a little bit more of, my very best friend.

Friday, August 2, 2013

School Days

Madilyn started her first day of daycare (and a new one at that) since she was 19months old.
Fear, nervousness, and overall worry sickened me as the days ticked closer to her inevitable scream fest that I just KNEW would make the teachers cringe when she walked through the doors in the morning.
As we toured, and had play days and generally began our attempts at talking up daycare and telling her about her friends and the fun things she would be doing there (painting, playing with new toys, playground outside, etc) she still seemed against the idea of daycare.
On Wednesday (July 31st) we got ready to head out the door to daycare and she had the biggest smile slapped on her face.

My stomach screamed, gurgled, twisted and turned as we walked into the daycare center and I began that slow, dreadful walk to her classroom.
I opened the door, little eyes staring at Madilyn and I, and my stomach did a double flip.
Madilyn walked right in, found a red chair and sat right down.
The teachers were talking to us and fed her breakfast, she ate happily and got up to play.
I knew just as soon as I told her I was leaving she would go in full on tantrum mode.

"Madilyn I am leaving!" I said, a tad too nervously.
"Bye!" She was grinning ear to ear as a little girl handed her a toy monkey.
WHAT?! Did MY Child just tell me bye without a tear, without a tantrum, without ANYTHING?
Who was this kid and where did Madilyn run off too?

I walked out, still nervous, and decided to watch her from the window.
She was FINE.
As I apprehensively drove to work that morning so many thoughts were racing in my mind.
I didn't want her to cry, right? Or did I secretly wish she would throw herself on the floor, screaming bloody murder so I could have something to prove about what kind of awesome parent I am that my child didn't even want to leave me!

I knew, deep down, that I was relieved the tantrum throwing didn't commence.
Her teacher kept me updated and let me know how wonderful she did.
No tears all day and shocker, she peed on the potty TWICE.
As I picked her crazy self up, and got in the car, I saw the smile plastered on her face and was so happy that she loved daycare.

As the days have rolled on she has since been 3 times and has been eager to go.
I am lucky that I have such social, outgoing, wonderful kids.
I feel blessed to have found the right daycare center and an awesome teacher that has been smothering her with love.
Madilyn deserves it!

As August is here I am realizing how close to Kindergarten it is getting.
We bought Kylie Jade's school supplies last week and she was SO EXCITED to be getting new things that were just hers.
As she excitedly picked out her items for school I felt proud and sad all at the same time.
How does it seem like one day she is a roly poly two year old and the next she is picking out supplies for Kindergarten?

I am such a wuss when it comes to my kids getting another year older, another classroom higher, and just getting bigger before I've even had a chance to fully adjust to their age.
As the school supplies and clothes rang up I could feel a slight panic as I realized school is less than 2 weeks away.
This is the end of picking her up early just because I want too, skipping days just because we can, and not having to worry about homework, or school closings, etc.
She is growing up on me and I am so not ready for it.

August 9th we will be heading out to Kylie's school to drop off her supplies
, meet her teacher (again!), see a few classmates, and talk in the gym with a few heads of the schools etc.
August 14th is her first OFFICIAL day of school and I feel slightly panicked as I cross off yet another day of August.
I need to face the fact that my girls are growing, Kylie Jade is entering out of preschool age and going full speed to elementary age and Madilyn is creeping up on the end of her toddler years into the preschool years.
I feel nostalgic as I think back on Madilyn's birth and Kylie's infant years, they are memories now, but will always be apart of me.

No matter what I am a mom.
They are my girls.
I will do anything for them no matter what.
And if you mess with them, well momma bear is fully ready to attack at any moment!! =)

Here are a few pics from the last month:

Madilyn at Sweet Frog on our day date

She got a Doc toy because she is a spoiled butt 

 Madilyn Kate about to head to gymnastics

Madilyn's hook and cubby

Madilyn Kate eating breakfast on her first day of daycare

Heading to her first day of daycare

 Madilyn got a fudgecicle at daycare

 At a wedding

 Leaving daycare 

Kindergarten SChool Supplies
 Kylie got 12 ribbons she needs 15 to move on so proud of her!

First day of daycare
 Eating at chickfila they did face painting too 

 Daycare craft 

She wanted to be a tiger!
 Got their lunches!

Playground at daycare
 Sweet girl Kylie Jade took this pic


School supplies
Kylie Jade at cheer camp!
Madilyn Kate eating breakfast at daycare!