Saturday, April 25, 2015

Count down

The count down is on. 14 days til Madilyn Kate's 4th birthday party, 16 days til she turns 4, 27 days til I am done with work for the summer, and the girls are done with school, 28 days til Kylie's birthday party and mine and John's 8th marriage anniversary, 35 days til her 7th birthday and we leave for vacation!

May is such an overwhelmingly busy month. I am so excited for the girls birthdays, my anniversary, and vacation. I am ready to watch my girls explore another year at the beach!

As much as I am looking forward to lazy summer days, I am very sad to be seeing my class graduate. It is such an emotional time to watch my kiddos get their "diplomas" and move onto Kindergarten. I've been with these kids for 9 mths and they really grow on you after time.

I am also getting super emotional that another school year is ending for the girls sake. It doesn't really seem possible that Kylie Jade is going to be in 2nd grade. I remember her being a baby and I would tell people she was going to go to CCS when she was old enough and now we are here. She's been there for 2 years now and it just seems so crazy. I remember the Kindergarten assessment, Kindergarten round-up day, and her very first day of Kindergarten. I felt like I blinked and she grew up on me. Second grade is where the homework begins and they stop being so little. I am so happy to see what the new school year will bring, but so sad for the times she grew up way too fast.
Not only do I have to be sad about Kylie moving to another grade Madilyn Kate is at a real school this year and K3 is ending and she will be starting K4 in the fall. Prekindergarten? How is she already old enough for this? CCS opened a PREK 4 up this year so in the fall she will be joining big sister at CCS for prek. I am so excite for her because I feel like this is a great opportunity for her and a wonderful environment for her for her PREK year. It is just so bittersweet that it is already time to be thinking about it. Every year they get older and every year more and more moments begin to add up in the same month. I am proud of my girls and so excited to see what next year brings us all together. I cannot believe May 1st will be on Friday!

Well I gotta head off to go get the girls to their swim class and meet a friend afterward. I will leave you with a few pics.

still my gymnast 

swim day

goof ball at school

madilyn at swim with blake 

my sweet girl 

first grade hall for the rain forest project

she found a caterpillar at school