Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eye Dr. Appointments and Promotions!

Madilyn had her eye dr appointment today.
He didn't seem to think she needed glasses, however her eye has gotten worse. 
She went from a 4 to a 40 in a matter of a year =(.
He mentioned if it hasn't corrected itself by the time she is 4 years old we will discuss surgery which I am not at all thrilled about. 

He wants to see if he can find the cause of what is making her eye turn outwards so we are going back May 1st to dilate her eyes. 
Unfortunately the appointment is at 7:40 in the morning blah! 
The things we do for our kids...even if that means waking up at 5:45 am to help her.
I just hope her eyes are okay and correct themselves with time. 

Madilyn and Kylie were being so well behaved before we left he mentioned how lucky we were to have such well behaved, beautiful girls. 
I was beaming with pride. 
They are really wonderful kids when they want to be.
I set her appointment and we were off.

This rainy day has me uber lazy. 
I have just been party planning and packing what I can. 
I am excited about this move I think it's going to be best for all involved. 
It gives my mom time to connect with  my beautiful angels and John and I time to pay off bills before Kylie Jade starts Kindergarten.

This reminds me we found a car for John.
It's an older car a ford tempo, but it's 4 door and a stick shift and only 800$ so we are going for it.
Best part they said we can make payments first payment of 400$ and then 200$ the next two months. 
I am pretty stoked we will FINALLY be a 2 vehicle family!

Which reminds me John should know this week if he got the RP job.
However even if he doesn't get it we will be alright. 
He got to bid to a new shift (which won't start til March), but he just got on his first choice shift!
That never has happened before, so he will be working 6am-3pm that's IF he doesn't get RP.

Of course I want him to stay with that shift cause that means we will see each other more and he will have Fridays and Saturdays off, but at the same time I know he'd rather be in RP even if he does have to settle with a crappy shift...and RP comes with a big raise.
Either way I think John and I can work through whatever happens. It would be nice to see him in the summer. 

I finally have a plan for how I am going to lose some pounds..
I am actually waiting on Kylie Jade's movie to end so I can start my workout for the day. 
It's gonna suck and be a long road to go down, but I know in the end it will be totally worth it. 
Well I better get back to party planning. I am trying to set a budget for birthday supplies, the venues (Madilyn's will be free) and the presents. It's taking a lot more planning than I thought. 

Surgery or no surgery I will always be here for you and nothing will take away that sweet smile! 


  1. Wow. SO much going on.

    First of all, I am sorry about her eye. :( I know you don't want her to have surgery. We thought Sam was going to have surgery because of her dysphagia. It was a scary though! Hopefully you will know more in May. Maybe he can give you ways to strengthen her eyes. Will they try other things first like a patch?

    That is awesome, about the car! Once I learned to drive, we had two cars, but before I could drive, it really sucked having to wait on him to get back from work and all. So much good news today!

    We are talking about his job right now...

    And that is awesome that you have a plan! Have you considered making a food diary? I heard that helps a lot of people. :)

    1. I am actually the one that plans menus but John has been helping me I found some smoothie recipes so I am all for that! We are going to start eating at home a lot more and just eating the right kinds of foods I have already cut back on portion so that has helped. I pretty much only drink water I just want to add more water.
      I am mainly just going to stick with my work out whether it be zumba or walking or running I just need to get back to the size I felt comfortable in! It will be a slow process but worth it.

      My mom knows a guy selling a car so we are getting that one. YAY!

      I know I am just ready to find out if he got a promotion.

  2. That sounds good! Not only will it help you with your diet, that is the way we should all be eating. I don't like to eat out often. Nowhere near as healthy as the food I make at home, which guarantees at least two vegetables every night!

    That is great! I hope it all works out! It was so nice of him to let you do payments!

    I know. I am anxious to find out too.
