Sunday, August 2, 2015

Gone Are The Lazy Summer Days

Summer it's been good knowing you! The lazy, summer days are slowly ending for us as back to school rears its ugly head. My girls are buzzing with excitement. Madilyn asks me everyday to read the list of names of the children on her class role and Kylie is excited that her "boyfriend," Liam is back in her class. My August calendar is already full of school appointments "Madilyn open house, Kylie open house, first day of school, parent night, picture day..." it continues until every day in the month of August is full. Definitely no more lazy summer days. Being home and enjoying the quiet as the girls play, peacefully in the playroom. No more lazy days spent at the pool listening to them giggle and play mermaids. No more lazy summer days spent at the library picking out stacks of books and then going home to cuddle under a blanket and read together. No more sleeping in until we want, no more 25 days of school countdown that we have all thoroughly enjoyed. No more dessert before dinner. No more going to bed whenever we want. Summer break is ending and another school year is beginning.

Our cabinets are starting to fill up with easy to throw in a lunch box food. My heart is starting to get heavy remembering that my baby Madilyn isn't going to school with me. Panic is setting in as I realize the girls only have 10 days til school starts (8 days til I start full time again!) Back packs are being filled with school supplies and the girls are chattering away with what to expect for their first days.


You've been good to us. You allowed me the downtime I needed to experience every fleeting moment with my beautiful girls. You gave me time to spend with my husband and get back on the same page. You gave us sun-kissed skin, and lazy pool days. You allowed me all the time in the world to spend with my family and find enjoyment in things I didn't have enough time for as a working mother. I have thoroughly enjoyed catching up on my sleep and reading in my Bible. I have had a chance to keep the house fairly clean! I have appreciated the fact I have a house because we have spent many summer days inside here. I never see my house during the school year except basically to eat dinner and sleep so it has been nice to just lounge around in our pjs and savor the moments. I am so glad my daughters got to have sleepovers to connect with their friends and that I got to take each of my girls out on their own special day. It's been amazing and I know you will come around again next year!

As second grade approaches I'm feeling a little uneasy. Preschool I know. I know Madilyn will get the playtime, the nap time, recess, circle time, show -n- tell etc. But I don't know much of what to expect for second grade. I have gotten several letters for PRE-K but not one thing for second grade. I know it is normal, but it still makes me anxious as the day approaches. I know she will be fine and do great, but second grade just seems so old. 

As the last bits of summer vacation come to an end we wave an avid goodbye to all the summer fun memories and hello to another school year. It will be great. It will be fun. It will be back to our normal. I will fall in love with new students, pass the time away giggling with my coworker and waiting until the clock hits so I can go home to my beautiful daughters. School isn't so bad it gives us all time to be away from each other and learn to grow without each other. It brings us all back at the end of the day to tell stories of our days, to laugh, to fellowship, to be with each other. Those memories are the ones to hold onto. Those memories are what I thrive on. I know my girls are having the time of their lives at school with friends, teachers, and activities. I know my students need me to balance out a very hectic schedule. I know my girls need me to check in and get many hugs and kisses as I get home. 

I promise to see something beautiful in every day. I promise to wake up just a little earlier so I can spend some family time with everyone before the craziness of our days begin, away from each other. I promise to laugh more with my girls than yell. I promise to give John some time for just himself as he needs to unwind from a crazy day at his job. I promise to be more open and not shut them out. I promise to listen more and talk less. I promise that I will make this new year the best one yet. My family deserves it. 

So to this crazy August I say: BRING IT ON!!!!!!  Because gone are the lazy, summer days. 

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