Monday, August 11, 2014

Open House: CCS 2014

Kylie Jade had open house at school today. It was so bittersweet walking down the hall way and seeing all things first grade. I kept having flashbacks of last year. We took the day and made it all about Kylie. She was so excited to start kindergarten and be in "real school!" It was just so ...weird...having done it all before. She was bouncing around the minute her feet hit inside the school; she was so thrilled. She took off right to her class and met her teacher. She put all her supplies away and talked about how fun first grade was going to be. She wanted to see her kindergarten teacher so we walked down the hall we walked down last year and headed for her class.

It looked the same, except her name wasn't plastered on that side of the hall. Her hook was taken by someone else, and the desks were covered with the rising pre-kindergartners names. Mrs W welcomed her with a hug and talked about how much she has grown and how she cannot believe the year is over. Kylie was all smiles and exploded with so many stories.

We headed to the new playground area and she darted off. She saw her friend Liam and they talked for a minute then she was running around again. I couldn't help but wonder if Madilyn will be joining her next year for Pre-K. I would have two open houses, two children running around the playground and twice as many tears to choke back. She just looked so big. I still can't believe she is already a first grader. We headed to get Popsicles and grab her spirit shirt then we headed back to the playground. She got to see a few more people and then it was time to go pick up Madilyn from Preschool.

When I see Kylie Jade at school, in her element, I feel secure in our decision. All the money we put into this school is paying off. I see it on her face every time she steps foot through the doors. She is loved there, she is encouraged to be her best, and she is happy. As much as I cringe every time I make a payment I know it has all been worth it. Every time I clock myself into work and think of what my kids are doing. I know I have made the right decision. I don't need to feel guilt, I don't need to worry, I don't need to break. I am providing them with the best school environment possible. I have no regrets. Kylie has flourished. She hasn't been forgotten. She is alive. She is known. She is happy.

From Kindergarten to First Grade 

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