Sunday, August 24, 2014

A few things I have learned about myself and everything else with two in school.

This year has been a big one for our family. It is the first year both of my girls go to school full time. Madilyn had started off at a small daycare center going 3 days a week, but then I got the offer to allow her to come to work with me every day (bonus! I get to see my young child make friends, see what she is learning throughout the day and if she misses a day I can review at home!) She has fit right in, made new friends and has enjoyed all day school.

I have learned a few things about myself as the end of month one comes to a close.

1. I am ALWAYS on time or early! Not a single person in this house has been late for school or work! Which is awesome!

2. I am very nutty about education! I don't allow you to miss school because you are sleepy (to remedy this situation you should go to bed earlier. In reality when you have a job you have to be on time and can't miss just because you are sleepy!)

3. I am very different from most parents out there. God comes first, then your education. You only miss school if you are feverish sick, have a stomach bug or broke a bone. Dr. appointments, dentist visits and everything else can wait until AFTER school to be scheduled. (This does not count for Preschool or Pre-K this isn't considered 'school' until Kindergarten because absences don't count!)

4. I don't believe in "mental health days" that's what the weekend is for.

5. I find myself really believing children should attend some kind of program where mommy or daddy isn't the teacher all the time. Plug them into Sunday school away from you, school, an activity, a co-op. For goodness sakes you don't need to know EVERY detail of your child's life. Some things they want to experience on their own!

6. Parents these days SMOTHER their kids. I didn't realize how much it got on my nerves until recently!

7. I try and see other peoples point of view.

8. I don't believe you should pay for education unless you ABSOLUTELY believe in what you are paying for.

From the mouth of babes: things my SIX year old has learned from attending school from her perspective.

1. To be kind to others.

2. To read.

3. Learning about God.

4. Learn how to play with my friends.

5. Learning how to get along with others.

Just a few important things I have seen my six year old learn from school:

1. Her confidence level has boosted. She does not need me to stand around and watch her at cheer practice, she doesn't need me to hold her hand while exploring books in the library, and she doesn't need me to make her own lunches anymore. These are things she feels confident she can do herself!

2. She has improved tremendously on reading, writing and spelling. She could do those things at home, but I am not a great teacher for the upper grades. I want to see what she can do with other people. When she grows up and gets a job I won't be there to hold her hand and tell her how to do her job. She will have to learn these things away from me!

3. I have seen her passions and interests grow. She enjoys Spanish class (something we would have never wanted to pay for or invest time in).

4. She enjoys getting to meet new teachers and playing with friends of all ages on the playground. She has made some tight knit friends, but has been able to be flexible and allow new people in. She has learned that people come and go in life, but family is constant.

A few things I have seen my young one learn from school.

1. She is flexible.

2. She can make friends with anybody.

3. She can hang in a crowd with kids a year older than her.

4. She takes to a second language easily.

5. She can fall and get hurt and is fine with another teacher comforting her.

Having two in school has been a fun experience this year. My girls have enjoyed swapping stories about their daily happenings and I can see how much they enjoy time with their teachers and friends. I have really enjoyed watching both of them spark and have a passion for things I could not offer them otherwise. I am so proud of them, and cannot wait to see what the rest of this year holds for us!

Madilyn ready for school 

Sweet girl excited about school

Madilyn is crazy

My big girl ready for school 

First day of Kindergarten vs First day of 1st Grade

At school 

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