Thursday, June 4, 2015

Family Vacation

Family. This one word can bring out many emotions. Perhaps happy memories of your childhood on a family vacation, perhaps it brings out sadness in remembering those we have loved and lost, or perhaps it brings you pain and anger thinking of how someone who is supposed to love you could harm you. Either way FAMILY has a meaning to you.

I have enjoyed my family vacation this week. We have travelled to Hilton Head for our 2015 beach trip! My the fun we have had. The memories my girls and myself will have will, hopefully, last a life time.

My oldest turned the big 7 on the day we left for the beach. She was so excited writing short stories in the car about her birthday! She got to pick out a cake of her choosing at the store, and she took full advantage of that! She was delighted she got to pick the place to eat in a different city than ours. (She picked Fat Babies Pizza in case anyone was wondering!) She had so much fun! The day was all about her. She got to run out on the beach on her birthday! How cool is that?!

The days have been somewhat long, but full of fun! The girls have had some great bonding time (perfect time to go to the beach right after school ends so they aren't completely sick of each other!) They've had fun splashing in the condo pool, building sandcastles, taking walks together, and playing at the beach and in the fountain! We've set out and explored around here and have found we rather enjoy this place! Most everyone we have come in contact with has been super nice, and the girls have had a lot of learning going on even on vacation, so that's been a bonus!

They have got to see and explore animals/creatures they didn't even know existed. Kylie has asked over and over again why there are tiny holes in the sand and John found out the answer was for crabs, worms, and other little animals to live in. She got to see a new creature, I am still not 100 percent sure what it is, but they named her "Shelley" she was a little creature (maybe a snail type thing) living in a shell. When she poked out she discovered it felt like a grape. She thought that was really funny! She made Shelley a "house" of sand and shared her finding with some other people on the beach! She polished her talking to strangers skills with asking fellow kids around her age what their name/age/grade they are going in. It's been super fun to watch her! They have learned how important sunscreen is and we have had many conversations on the importance of lathering up every hour! They got to see a shark and learned how people fish for a sport (which Kylie declares is one of the meanest sports ever and I have to agree with her!) Madilyn was very upset when she saw the shark bleeding from the hook. We had a conversation about why people fish and what the shark would do if it got off the hook and many other things. Kylie asked how the fishermen wasn't scared to toss the shark back in the water. She was amazed that he would toss it in and swim out. She asked me and I said I have no idea so she went up and asked him herself! She has grown so much since becoming 7. We brought our library books and have been reading most every night and Kylie Jade started the Magic Tree House series and is reading it to me by herself! She is doing so well!

Being in this tiny condo has made all of us a little bit closer. My mom, littler brother, husband and the girls are all on this little adventure together! It has been so much fun! We've had a lot of game nights, and the girls have gotten to watch more TV than they are allowed in a month at home so they've been excited because they have the Disney channel.

All in all I would say this vacation has been successful! We have gone on walks, discovered new restaurants and things to do. We have had fun conversations and a lot of laughs! I got to play tag outside with the girls and it was so much fun! We ran around barefoot in the grassy area and it was simple! Just hearing them laugh and scream was fun for me!

I'll leave you with a few pictures of our trip!

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