Sunday, December 11, 2016

You Could've Been Mine

Wrapping up my daughter in a warm bath towel after letting her splash in the tub I thought of you.
God didn't choose me to be a mother of a son, but I know I would have mothered you and loved you so.
Kissing my girls cheeks and watching their eyes light up because they are loved and I thought of how unloved and broken you must have felt.
You are beautiful to all those that have been touched by your story I just wish you could've felt it when you were alive.
I look at your picture and read about your death and feel angry.
I would've loved you. I would've given you the world. I would've kissed your boo boos; not given you any.
As I cuddle with each one of my princesses at night thoughts of your final days race through my brain.
I am a Christian and I do believe I am pretty strong in my faith, though I'm not gonna lie, when I read how you died I couldn't wrap my brain around how a loving God could allow this to happen to you.
You could've been mine and you would've gotten the world.
How could God allow this child to be beaten and tortured?
Your precious 3 year old body going through things I could never fathom.
As I pray about it I know my faith must remain unshaken.
You're in heaven, you're loved, you never have to experience the cruelty of this world ever again.
Still your story lingers in my heart and in my mind.
I hug my daughter's tighter because of you.
I make sure the last thing they hear me say whenever we have to be away is "I love you!"
They could be taken in a split second, and you reminded me of that.
Scotty McMillan I will always remember you, even though I never got the pleasure of meeting you, know that I will never forget your short life here on Earth.
I love you, Scotty and all that you were.
My heart just can't handle the fact that you could've had all the love this world has to offer.
You could've been mine.

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