Saturday, July 5, 2014

Not Goodbye, but See You Later

With the fourth of July comes much excitement: cookouts, fireworks, fellowship, swimming, family, sun, and laughter being some of the main things that come to mind. For me? It's another year older for me. Through all the unexpected events (possibility of rain, where we will watch fireworks? who is going to make it to the celebrations) comes one very known fact...July 5th I will turn another year older.
As the inevitable day approaches I know what I can look forward to: Spending time with my family, celebrating another year of life, and thanking God for my family.
After the high I experienced all week I am at a very steady speed right now. I just feel content. Content with being me. Content with turning 27. Content with my life.

Thursday I got to see one of my best friends from about 6 years ago. I haven't seen her in 4 years and I didn't even realize how much I miss her until we got to talk and hang out. I watched my little social butterfly spread her wings and make friends she doesn't even remember. She has known these girls since they were babies, but to her the friendship was all new. We started the afternoon off at the Sprayground where we could play catch up (as much as you can in such a short time) and I enjoyed watching the kids play in the water and get to know each other. It was wonderful to watch them play and giggle. It reminded me of the first time I met Ali, and how much we laughed and just hit it off.
After the spray ground we headed to Lauren's house to have a cook out and gather with a bunch of people we hadn't seen (and Jill who we see a lot now). It was nice. Eating, talking, observing, and listening. It felt good to be connected and to regroup and to see a friend and it feel like we were never a part and just pick up where we left off. I felt rejuvenated. Like all the questions in my head were answered and I felt that immediate connection again with my friend, that I haven't even seen in so long. It felt brand new, but so old. I couldn't put my finger on it. As 16 kids ran wild through the house, in and out in and out, and the food covered every square inch of the counter I couldn't help but feel full. My heart was completely full at that moment. I was surrounded by people I've known for 6-7 years and I could feel all the love in the room. We all came for a purpose to reconnect with the person we have all felt disconnected too and I really feel like we all did, in different ways. The kids had fun eating late night ice cream cones, playing in the sprinkler, and running around screaming and talking. It's nice to see when your kids get along also.
When the night came to an end we all said our not goodbyes but our see you laters and we were off. The night was still young (well before 10) and amazingly my kids didn't roll over from exhaustion so John and I decided to catch July 3rd fireworks at the high school.
As we sat all cuddled together we watched Lake Winnie's display light the night sky with beautiful fireworks. The kids were entranced and were so happy to see the beauty in those colorful lights. The comfort I felt being surrounded by those three was awesome. I just watched the sky and felt so content.

Independence Day approached quickly and the girls and I headed off to Wal-Mart to school supply shop for my first grader. As we filled the carts with her goodies I was waiting patiently to hear from Ali as we were going to have a send off brunch with her and her family. 11 turned to 12 so the girls and I got to have fun shopping and learning the art of patience. After Madilyn had one meltdown...two meltdowns...and onto the third I thought it best to head to City Cafe and wait for our friends there.
Once there we were all smushed at a table together, and the kids hit it off. Kylie Jade and Alora sang Let It Go a few times and ordered the same kids meal...just because that's what best friends do.
Getting to talk to my friend more I realized that I didn't want to lose touch again. She was a great friend when she lived in Chattanooga and it dawned on me that distance doesn't make or break a friendship. Being so far away it is easy to give up and lose touch, but I don't want to give up and lose touch with every person I know. I just had so much fun talking and laughing and then it was time again. The real not goodbyes, but the real see you laters. As I hugged my friend bye and got in my car to head off onto our next venture. Kylie busted out in tears. "I don't want them to go!" She cried. "Those were some great friends!" We had a nice heart to heart and decided having Rinoa and Alora as pen pals would be a great experience for them! Not only will they get to keep in touch, they could practice spelling and handwriting (which is always a bonus!) I asked Kylie if she would like to visit them maybe next year and she got so excited. I think we may be going to Illinois next year for our vacation (which I will be so excited to do).

4th of July was a bit lonesome without my sister or my brothers, but my mom and I decided to power through, alone and still have a fun 4th without everyone. This was the first big event that was just me and mom and my girls. They played in the pool we had BBQ and then we headed off to the fireworks again. John came along as he got off work at 7:30 the fireworks weren't as fun as watching the kids run around in the night time. Performing for anyone who would watch and cartwheeling in the grass. It was still a magical time and I definitely appreciated it for what it was.

I woke up to my little princess Kylie Jade wishing me a Happy Birthday! The girls both sang to me and drew me countless pictures and I just soaked up being their mommy. I have been dreading 27 because it is just another year closer to the big 30. Although knowing I am surrounded by friends and family and my pack just keeps growing I gotta say...27's not so bad.

School lunch box 

First grade is cool 

McCartney and Madilyn at the cookout 

Kylie Jade at the Spray Ground 

My fave 

Little bit is ready for T-Ball

Singing Let It Go with Alora 

Me and the hubs 

Spent the fourth with this beauty 

Kylie Jade's 1st gade shoes

Fourth of July snack I prepared 

MJ, Kylie Jade, Rinoa and Alora at the cookout 

1st grade school supplies 

Alora, Kylie Jade, Madilyn Kate, Rinoa, Gabe and Grace

The girls after watching fireworks on the 4th of July

Late night ice cream cones with MJ 

Kylie Jade and her friend Rinoa 


Saying their goodbyes and see you laters

Kylie Jade, Rinoa, MJ and Madilyn enjoying some 9 o'clock ice cream cones

Fire works on the 3rd of July (Kylie is so tired!) 

The girls in the pool on the fourth

Mj and Kylie Jade pals! 


  1. Sounds like a good 4th! It is always so nice getting back with old friends! Especially when they were best friends. :) I hope you guys are able to stay in touch. Pen pals is such a great idea for them! New friends and spelling/writing practice is why we found a penpal for Samantha.

    I didn't know you got her TBall stuff. So cute! Was it as hard to pick out as you thought?

    1. We didn't buy any of the tball stuff its just stuff she tried on. Its too expensive to buy in stores.

  2. Just read this again and it made me tear up. Bittersweet, but it is amazing how a true friendship can remain so strong and seem so familiar after so long, so far apart! Love you girl! Can't wait to get together again!

    1. I know! I can't wait! It was so nice to see you again!
