Friday, June 21, 2013

The Start of a Healthier Lifestyle

I am on a new adventure so to speak of eating healthier and losing weight.
I know I keep coming back to it, but I will never be comfortable in my own skin until I take charge of my life.
Now that I believe I am officially done with pregnancy and having more children I feel like it is time I put my foot down and begin my long journey to a healthier lifestyle.
We have already started eating organically and I have since convinced a few friends of mine to branch out into the world of organics.

It's not about the label of "I eat only organic blah blah blah" it is about the fact that we will begin to be healthier.
I want my kids to have every opportunity in life and if I continue to fill their bellies with fast food, non organic fruits (which have pretty much every ingredient BUT the fruit intended for), all these greasy non healthy meats and processed crap my kids have no chance.
I grew up in a household with limited fruits, veggies and about every kind of snack cakes, chips, and sweet you could possibly think of.
John grew up in fast food central (I believe when we got together he ate out breakfast, lunch and dinner from what I recall).

When we became husband and wife naturally our terrible eating habits followed.
I was a mere 98 pounds when John and I got together and with the terrible eating, the pregnancy's and what have you I am nowhere close to that weight.
We agreed, together, after many years of fighting weight issues, hunger after we had just eaten a rather unhealthy meal, and having our two spawns that it was time to make the switch.
I was hesitant because I don't like to branch out in the new food department, however I was eager to make the switch to organic.
We lived near Earth Fare the healthy supermarket and we began to explore.

As I learned more about their meats, dairy products and so much more we decided to start slowly I got milk, eggs, and some fresh fruits.
The milk was amazing, I could taste the difference and it was so pure.
I vowed never to buy non organic milk again (which can be hard I buy about 4 1/2 gallons of milk per month), but it was worth it.
The meats came next and it was just the same the taste is so much purer.

As we now buy at Whole Foods and Earth Fare mainly we do still use our "filler" foods at Bilo or Walmart.
I am happy to say that we buy a lot less junk (no soda! rarely sweets! no chips!)
As I see us all transforming to healthier living I can't help but feel like adding workouts in my life wouldn't hurt.
I have been back and forth with zumba, wii fit, and numerous other attempts, but I think I have decided to just go with any kind of workout I feel that day.

Life doesn't have to be this hard, it is what we make it.
You choose how you want to live and I want to live a long and healthy life for my girls.
I know what is important and I am going to bust my butt making it happen.
And it will happen, determination is power.

Start of healthy living Gymnastics once a week 

Swimming in the summer 

Healthy breakfast, lunches, dinners and snacks 

Healthier snacks 

Banana Smoothies 

My little bit shopping at earth fare 

Cuties as drinks!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good! If you teach them to eat healthy and be active now, I doubt they will stray from it when they get older. Why would they? I realized just the other day that junk food and Cokes don't even taste good! :/

    We have been back and forth too. We just finally made the final switch to everything last month.

    My Mom was one of those people-still is-who eats out ALL the time. I doubt we will be going back to fast food again. If we do, it will be very, very rare.

    Oh, by the way, I found some natural chips at Ingles. They have a pretty good organic/natural selection. Whatever we don't get at Earth Fare or the Fruit Stand, we get there. They make white cheese Cheetos and natural regular potato chips. They taste so good-not greasy, and they are healthy. (I am sure in moderation, not healthy like fruits, but healthier than Doritos.)
