Saturday, January 3, 2015

No Resolutions Just Goals

Every woman I have talked to (that is married) have had their own fair share of struggles within their marriage. Whether it be financial, mind wandering, some sort of addiction etc. everyone has some sort of struggle. It is constant. What does NOT have to be constant is the miserable feeling you bring with marriage. Many folks let themselves drown. There isn't a way to swim above water, because the worst is just that the worst. There is no communication, no support, marriage has crumbled and failed. 

What if every woman treated their man with the utmost respect, like he is the head of the household, like his values and opinions matter? In short, like your husband is the king.. It doesn't mean us women go by the wayside and are "forgotten" or are "unimportant" or that we do "not matter." If our husbands are treated with respect and not just like they are an extra burden to us we could possibly help cut down the divorce rate. They would feel valued and fulfilled because they would feel appreciated and that their efforts aren't going unnoticed. 

I am definitely not the best remodel. I fail all the time. I break promises, huff and puff, get overwhelmed by seemingly pointless things that are out of my control. I do, however, know one thing. My husband should never, ever feel unwanted or alone because of me. 

Through the years I have made many "resolutions" that have been broken by February. This year I want something more. I don't want to make "resolutions" I want to make goals. I want to actually follow through with these goals. I want to see my friends more and be more involved with them. I want to laugh. A lot. I want to see my marriage last and not just in the same 'ol I am putting up with you way, but in the way where he comes first and everything else falls behind. I want to have a healthy relationship with food where I don't completely stop eating when experiencing severe response syndrome and don't overeat when I feel high levels of stress. I want to love me for me. I want to be a better wife and mother. I want to attend to the needs of all the people in my life more. Stop thinking about just myself and open my heart and arms to those around me when needed. I want to get our finances under control so we can live mostly debt free. I want to get a second car for our household. I want my relationship with God to stretch to the highest level it can possibly get. Where I am not just a fan, but I am a follower. I want to do studies on the Bible and learn more about my own faith. I want the girls to have that household where God and Jesus comes first. Always. I want to respond out of love and not anger. I want to get myself in check and under control too so that my family can be whole. 

The struggles in my life will continue. There will never be a perfect, but there will always be perfection to strive for. I have a lot of working on myself to do in 2015 and I am absolutely okay with it. I need to take one step at a time. Take that one leap of faith. 


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